Sunday, December 26, 2021

Grounded In An Ungrounded World

Pause. Rejoice. Ask. Yield. These are the four things Derrick suggested we do when we are in conversation. And this past week was one of many conversations with all the get-togethers of the Christmas week. I'm thankful we live in a grounded community that celebrates the hope of the season. I'm also thankful our rural Iowa culture encourages face to face relationships with smiles, handshakes, and even hugs.

Last week our kids took Jan and I out for supper celebrating Jan's birthday. What a blessing to be part of this family!

Being grounded is showing grandkids by example that we have a "Rock of Ages" and we can "love living" without fear. This bunch has so much potential. Many of them are already being assets in society as well as God's kingdom. And my intentions are to do everything with the opportunities and abilities God has given me to work to allow them to raise their families in a country with the same values, freedoms, and opportunities we have had. That's only possible if we as Americans acknowledge that God, and not government, is in charge.

Thursday evening we had our family Christmas in the cabin. After an awesome supper and gift giving we took this annual picture. Natalie was home not feeling well. And we welcomed Emily, Emily, and Marina as friends. Jan and I are beyond blessed being able to enjoy, interact, and be friends with our children's children, who all live in our community.

Last Sunday morning our church's children had a Christmas program. Our church is blessed with lots of kids. Thanks to Cheryl, Deann, and teachers for their abilities. It was glorifying and the kids meant what they sang.
Last Sunday afternoon my siblings Donna and Roger, Doug and Ginger, Jan and I, and what nieces and nephews were available went caroling to Mom and her resident friends at Montezuma Care Center. Jan had a few songsheets. However we had to go to our phones for the words when the requests started coming in.
Since Jan and I had a quiet Christmas Eve together we went to 3rd Church in Pella. We attended the last of three packed services. Both the music and the message were relevant and personal.
On Christmas morning we went to our home church at Osky 1 CRC. Pastor John and his family opened the service with lighting the advent candles. It was fun seeing the visiting family members who used to attend as kids.
I usually struggle to know how to let Jan know I appreciate her on her birthday. You can only wear so many heart necklaces and furry snow boots. So I made it a goal to get the sidewalk finished from the back of the garage down to the basement patio. Thanks to our crew for taking the time out of a beautiful week to help pour Wednesday morning.
Jan can now walk completely around the house on concrete. and the smaller grandkids can choose which sidewalk to race their trikes down. Thanks to Matt for helping me figure out how to cut the steps forms. Since it is December we covered the green concrete in straw so it wouldn't freeze.
I have a habit of always ordering a full load of cement so we don't have to worry about running short. Then we use the extra as a border around our pond. It serves as a wave break as well as making it easy to mow and fish around the edge. Thanks to Randy, the cement truck driver, for his patience.
Yesterday afternoon, on Christmas Day, I moved black dirt to the area Jan hopes to cover in plants next spring. I'm still waiting on the emission sensor for our skidloader we talked about a couple of weeks ago. I had to disconnect and reconnect the battery 14 times so the loader would forget it has a problem. I will be thankful when we go back to overnight delivery of a common part rather than months. 

We have visited before about all the technology that is part of farming these days. Technology is also very beneficial in dirtwork. Mike sold his 2008 Cat dozer and purchaced a 2018 6T with full GPS. Now rather than setting up his transit and pounding in grading stakes, he just programs in his elevations to keep his terraces level and on grade.

BJ also uses technology in farm drainage with his tile plow. He designed this pattern tilling plan for Luke's farm south of Eddyville in the office. The red line is an 8 inch main. Green is 6 inch. And blue is 4 inch on 25 ft. centers. Farm drainage and pattern tiling are having a major impact on yield increases here in southern Iowa.

After BJ sets up his base station to receive satellite signals and loads his design in his plow computer, the satellites and computer control distance apart, depth, and steering. This allows him to install tile both ways. He installs a string uphill. Then turns around and installs back downhill. The tile rolls that my mother-in-law used to help load on the old Vermeer tiling machine were 300 feet long. The rolls today have to be loaded on the machine with a skidloader and are 3400 feet long. My father-in-law used to tile for me and we could trench in around 20 feet/minute. Today BJ's 540hp plow pulls in around 200 feet/minute.

With satellite depth accuracy BJ just drops the tile plow and installs within an inch above the main without digging a set-in. Then both Kurt and Alex dig along the side of the tile and Layton drills a 4 inch hole in the main tile, installs a tap T, and makes the connection. All the extra water in the wet spots of the field run by gravity out the main into a ditch or creek. With our conservation practices these days the water is safe to drink right out of the tile.
In 2021 we as a country are digging ourselves in a hole. We are upside down in our culture war. The so called experts are putting themselves in place of power and want us all to be subservient. And allow them to determine what is truth. So much fear is still being generated. In 2022 our leaders will continue with variants, vaccines, valleys, victims, ventilators, and views that are void of God. It will not stop until we as a democracy stop being scared. We all can be fearless and encourage others not to be afraid next year. Because "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world". 1 John 4:4
Yes, folks are still getting sick. We even know folks who have died. That will continue until the end of time. However we as grownups need to be grounded and look for all the positives happening today. Our next generation is depending on us not to hide under a cloud and let them down.
Derrick's suggestions of Pause
                                  and Yield were actually at an early morning prayer group. And the conversation he suggested was with our Heavenly Father. Now that is truly being grounded on solid footing. Blessings.

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