Sunday, January 2, 2022

Chapter 2022 Of Our Stories

Good morning and welcome to another chapter for all us. For some, this chapter may be numbered in the 60s, 70s or even 80s part of our story. For others, like Ethan and John below, chapter 2022 is in the teens. When they are not in school they work for Brett and his crew repairing trucks. One thing is certain. The length of the stories we are living is uncertain.

Since we don't determine the length of our stories, let's make 2022 one of our favorite and most productive chapters. Karl and Doug are planning next spring's planting season. 

Often folks pick a word for the new year. I'm going to incorporate some action or resolution words this week. When planning, ANTICIPATE. Focus on where opportunities are heading rather than where they are currently at.

APPRECIATE. Have a grateful and contented attitude. Jan and I were invited to Christmas get-together at Terrace Hill this past Wednesday evening. It was a small event with around 20 folks attending. The governors mansion was beautifully decorated for Christmas.

Iowa's Lieutenant Governor Adam is a great guy. He is our daughter Becky's age. He grew up in Hawarden. He went to Central College in Pella and knows Coach Kac well. He and his wife Cari have two children who attend Des Moines Christian School. His staffer is John from Oskaloosa.

EXPAND your horizons. That usually means getting out of your comfort zone.

CREATE a culture that is healthy and has meaningful purpose. Folks with toxic cultures are generally no fun to be around. And noxious cultures tend to be full of rules. In Iowa, we have one of the best cultures in the country right now.
And this gal is one of the reasons Iowa is such a great place to live. I thanked Governor Kim for her faith. She said her job would be impossible without God's help. I thanked her for our states expanded weight limits on semis hauling grain. Late this week she extended those expanded limits another month to January 27. And she was thankful for Iowans common sense the last couple of years.
EVALUATE. Be a critical and common sense thinker. So many folks are not thinking things through on their own these days.
Well, early this week we kind of finished tucking machinery in for winter. Items are either washed, repaired and greased for their next season. Or a list of things to do yet were made for next summer.
DISCIPLINE oneself. To complete projects. To attain goals. To spend time with your Lord (pray).
This past Friday may have been one of the last days we got to do dirtwork. Mike was working on one of BJ's rented farms in the snow. There was an old building there so at the end of the day Mike parked both his rigs inside. They will probably stay there until shop time in late March preparing for spring. Thanks for the picture Mike.
ENCOURAGE each other. Maybe a note or text. Maybe a visit or helping hand. We all need to be affirmed and appreciated.
We had some extra flat iron leftover from a shop drain project. So this past Monday I asked Jim if he would weld some stair railing for the bunkhouse across the road.
After Jim finished I took the railings to Kelderman's and asked if they would powder coat them. Thanks Jim and Gary.
When we SACRIFICE for and care about others, we take the focus off our own troubles and end up with a sense of joy and thankfulness.
When BJ built a pond in the back pasture last summer he ended up digging up a couple of large rocks. Rocks that Jan thought would look good on her yard. So I asked Kurt if he would help me. This rock fit just right next to the new sidewalk.
INSPIRE others. Make a positive imprint on folks. On 2022. Exceptional people rise to the challenge of helping others be exceptional as well.
BJ and Cassia's Gideon will probably live chapter 20 in 2022. He attends William Penn College where he has a shooting scholarship. He has a friend Emily. He works at Musco when he is not in class. And he takes care of a stock cow herd. This past week he had his first calf. Thanks for the picture Gid.
KNOW your why in 2022. Why do you do the things you do? What motivates you? What abilities has God given you?
Well, as most of you who live in southern Iowa already know, winter has arrived. It's well below zero this morning with blowing snow and dangerous winchills. It's time for power service so the diesel in our trucks won't turn to jelly. It's time for snowblades. Yes, as Jan reminded me, it's finally time for a hat.😊 Winter cold is also a time for recharging, recording, reviewing, and even resting.
RECOGNIZE when things are not going in the right direction. And have the guts to try something else.
A chapter is a period of time in a story. A story is an account of incidents or events. SHARE your story. Stories connect us. In farming. With friends. With family. In our faith.
Jan and I value relationships. It's what makes things happen. We would both like to wish you a happy, productive, and successful new year. Let's together make 2022 our finest chapter.



Harrison Kamanga said...

"Let's together make year 2022 our finest chapter" Thanks for a positive attitude and I appreciate words of great inspiration that you picked. Oh boy! it is because of your positive attitude that you are able to inspire us as we start year 2022. Obviously, a positive attitude will lead to a positive outcomes in life. It is vital to approach things or situations with a good and positive attitude.

Since both positivity and negativity is contagious. It is a good resolution for each one of us to choose to spend more time with people who think positively as positive behavior and attitude are major traits that are important for success.

All in all, thank you for inspiring us just as we start year 2022. With God all things are possible.

stillwatersiowa said...

What encouragement. Thank you. And blessings on your year.