Sunday, December 19, 2021

Go Light Your World

A few days ago I jumped out of the back of my pickup rather than climbing out. A lens that was loose in the frame of my glasses fell out and broke on the shop floor. Now I'm somewhat dysfunctional without my glasses. Things in the distance get pretty blurry.

I found my eyesight prescription in an old glasses case and thought I was in good shape. So I head to Pella where the broken pair came from to see Dr Ralph, Dr Wayne, Dr Jim, and associates at Eyecare Partners to find a new pair of glasses. However they told me my prescription was written in the last decade and my eyes would need to be rechecked. Dr Rachel soon had me a current prescription and two hours later my day was again clearer. 

I was seven years old when my teacher shared with my parents that I couldn't read and write like the rest of the kids. Come to find out I couldn't see the blackboard where all the learning was being taught. My teacher got out a cardboard with BIG and little letters and soon figured out my problem. A couple of weeks later I was wearing glasses. Close to 60 years later I still remember walking out of Dr Flikkema's office on the south side of the Pella square. I could scarcely believe how vivid, bright, and clear things were.

Becky and Brian's, Harris, pictured below, had a similar experience. When he left the doctor's office with his new glasses, he said to his Dad, "Hey look. There's a bird's nest in that tree".

When Jan came to the shop with a French-toast casserole yesterday morning on her birthday she mentioned I ought to take a picture of a full moon that was just setting in the west horizon. It was very bright in the early morning darkness.
On the farming front BJ, Alex, and Layton are tiling. Mike and Kurt are dozing. Mark and his family are busy cleaning up an old building site with their trackhoe. Kasey got in some tillage after his main job. And I started cleaning up equipment between some customwork jobs.
Jim continues to haul grain every day. And Pablo has also been hauling corn to Eddyville on his days off.
Karl and I are still busy selling seed. Karl went to the Beaman soybean plant to get a load of Becks soybean seed. When I was a teenager I used to go to this seed plant to deliver seed beans that my father grew for Les Clemens. Then as a young farmer I grew seedbeans for the same bean plant when it was owned by Pfizer. Then Dekalb bought it and processed Asgrow beans. Then Monsanto. Later Bayer. And now it is owned by the Becks family. Since the 1970s Becks has doubled in production and sales every 5 years and is now the 3rd largest seed company in the country after Pioneer and Dekalb.
Jake from Blue Equipment in Williamsburg came and inspected our graincarts. He will make a list of things we need to repair or replace before next harvest. We used to work with Kane, the dealership manager, when he worked in Sigourney.

I know you would rather see a picture of folks rather than food, however I forgot to take a picture. On Friday we had a landlord family treat us to lunch. Thank you Karen and Kraig, and Kathy and Stu for taking the time to come. We value business relationships. However we value friendships more. Our crew appreciated it.
Shotgun deerhunting is just about it's own season in Iowa. Yesterday Gideon and his friends borrowed our shop to cut up their deer. Gideon shoots for William Penn University along with his friends Cade, Noah, and Chris, where he is a sophomore. He is our oldest grandson. His parents are BJ and Cassia.
Last week Saturday evening Karl, Kristin, and family went to see my Mom. Thanks for the picture Kristin.
Last Sunday evening we had two candlelight services to attend. Since Jan and I weren't crazy about splitting up we visited Becky and Brian at Faith CRC in Pella where all 5 of their children participated. 
This coming week is Christmas and we celebrate with lights, trees, gifts, and programs that Jesus came as a baby in a manger. The story in the Bible talks about a host of angels lighting up the sky as they told the shepherds the news that the King of Heaven had arrived. However the story and light doesn't end there.

Jesus turned BC into AD on our calendars. He grew up, selected some pretty ordinary folks including fishermen and tax collectors, and started His ministry. For three years he humbly told and showed folks about the Light of the world. However like Phil said last Sunday at 3rd Church, humbly doesn't mean quietly standing in the shadows of our dark world. The picture below came from the last scene of Season 1 of The Chosen.

I'm fairly dysfunctional without my glasses. I'm totally dysfunctional without Christ giving me grace (undeserved generosity) being a husband, father, and grandfather. We are to be a light in this dark world we live in today. However just like that full moon yesterday morning, we have no light on our own. We must be a reflection from the "Son" to others. The gals in my life aren't always crazy about getting their pictures taken. However I'm finishing with this one from last Sunday evening. My wife Jan, daughter Becky, granddaughter Hazel and the rest of Becky's family.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to "shine" on you and be generous to you. The Lord turn His face towards "you" and give you His peace. 

That's the light I'm talking about. That's the grace I'm talking about. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.

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