Sunday, February 2, 2025

Works In Progress

So, what happens on a farm in February? Much of our time is spent in the shop on nasty days. With Grandson Ethan's leadership we have just removed our 2nd semi transmission. Kasey has been delivering them to get rebuilt. This truck also needs a motor reoverhaul. Cylinder #3 is pushing oil.

Cleaning up is a work in progress and happens on nice days. We have a farm where the previous owner backed his 1930s, and later his 1960s line of machinery in the trees as it wore out or was no longer relevant. Unprepared scrap iron in our neck of the woods is bringing $100/ton. We brought in 7 truck loads Thursday.

Remember our idea of a lighted star/cross combination for our grain leg that we asked Musco Lighting to help us with? Well the design, construction, and galvanizing process is completed. Now we have to install the lighting, attach it to the top of the leg, and get the appropriate wiring finished.

So, is it really the things we hang on to, or the memories those things contain that make them sentimental? Last week we visited about "The Hybrid" we built 50 years ago. Friday Jan and I drove to Lenexa, Kansas for 1957 Chevy truck replacement parts. Saturday brothers, Elliot and Ezra, went for a "not finished yet" test drive. Maybe, deep down, I want it around to continue to make memories.

Having a warm shop and capable folks not only helps us make progress for next season, it helps us help others as well. Dean is using his 40+ years experience to work on a baler for Seth and family.

Early last Sunday morning as I was finishing our visit, a truck and backhoe pulled through the yard. Come to find out our neighborhood was out of water and our Rural Water system was looking for a distribution leak. Kudos to Brad and Chris for finding and repairing the leak.

Thursday morning I attended a legislative Bible study at the State Capital. About 40 representatives, senators, and others attended. Pictured in our corner of the table were friends Jason, from Schleswig, Chuck, from Des Moines, Danny, from Grinnell, myself, and John, from Newton. Just a day later these gentlemen were informed Martin, from Fort Madison, a fellow state representative, passed away very unexpectedly from a heart attack.

So what are my thoughts this morning on life/2025? I'm a work in progress. And it wouldn't surprise me that if you're honest with yourself, you are as well. Let's finish with looking at 4 life lines. The first is the line between our birth and our death. We have no idea or control of how long this line is. So lets make things count before that ending date, and prepare for life after that date.

The second is the value line. The line between low self esteem and being egotistical. Here's where the choice gets tough. The devil tells me I'm not enough when things go wrong. He also says it's all about me when things go right. We talked about this balance last week.

The third is the purpose line. This is the line between meaninglessness and fullness of heart. There is so much here to talk about. I'm going to ask you to read the book of Ecclesiastics this coming week that King Solomon wrote. He starts with how chasing pleasures, wealth, and prominence are meaningless. He says there is a time for everything. He observes that making a living, enjoying one's work, and accepting one's destiny is a gift from God. He describes fullness of heart by seldom looking back on life because God keep folks occupied with purpose. He gives advice on wisdom. And Solomon wraps up with the conclusion of the matter, Remember your Creator and keep His commandments.

The last this morning is the legacy line. Bluntly speaking it could be called the funeral line. This is the line between those who come to make sure you're gone, and those who come to celebrate you're life and honor your memory. This line has a lot to do with generosity, contentment, and how we treat others. Read Psalms 49 this evening. It talks about how legacy is not in possessions. It even mentions the senselessness of folks naming estates after themselves. Let's continue to work at progress in our purpose which we were created and put here to do.

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