Sunday, May 19, 2024

An Overcomer

Last evening cousins, Amelia and John, along with 57 of their classmates, graduated from Pella Christian High School. Their speaker, JD, talked to them about being more than themselves. Their class verse in Isaiah 41:10 talks about not being afraid or discouraged. God also says He will strengthen, help, and hold us with His victorious right hand. That's good advice for overcoming.

Farmers have had to be overcomers this spring. While the moisture was needed, the window for getting in crops has been small. Friday night Matt was planting beans just east of Oskaloosa.

Wet days have been used to get hay equipment ready for the summer hay season. BJ and his son John are working on their big square baler.
Overcoming obstacles on semis and trailers can be a fulltime job. This past week our crew replaced tires, brakes, and wiring, on a sprayer tender trailer.
Our warm wet weather has put the rye growth in high gear for the cover crop folks. This rye field we worked in yesterday for custom work was around 5 feet tall. Notice my Ranger cab in the background.
We planted and sprayed crops on Friday night and Saturday this past week after 2 inches of rain earlier in the week.
Late Friday night Kurt switched his 30 inch planter from corn to soybeans to help our 15 inch soybean planter on custom work. Below Matt and his son Jacob are bringing Kurt soybeans south of Sigourney.
Friday evening cousins, Adi and Anton, along with a dozen of their classmates graduated from 8th grade at Oskaloosa Christian Grade School. Jan and I are thankful and blessed for the Christ-centered education all our children and grandchildren have had. Are Christian schools perfect? NO! Is Christian education required? Of course not. I'm just saying our family has been blessed with our kids and grandkids going to school where Christ is the focus in all classes.
Osky Christian has been in existence for four generations now. After overcoming challenges following World War II, our current classes great-great grandparents purchased property and opened classroom doors to 46 students on September 3, 1946, including my father. Daughter-in-law, Stacy, was board president this past year. Although she was extra busy, she did an outstanding job. I'm thinking she is the first gal to serve as board president in the 78 year history of the school.
Toward the end of the graduation ceremony, the teachers circled the graduating class and prayed a blessing on them. Each graduate chose a favorite verse, read it, and explained why they picked it. Adi and Anton's classmate, Olivia, picked John 16:33; "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world".
We live in a troubled world today that is defying God. Our national politics is nothing more than a big soap opera. Yet, your and my God patiently relents, and assures us He has overcome the world. Great life verse Olivia.



Anonymous said...

Stop for a moment and behold God is indeed in our midst. Yes, from generation to generation. It takes but a seed. Thanks Steve.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Thks for your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Wise words Mr. Boender, thank you for sharing with us.