Sunday, May 26, 2024

Am I Enough

In life we like to be enough. We feel affirmed when we think we are more than capable and able to accomplish a job or project.

However, when I focus on myself and what I think are my accomplishments, I don't leave room for God's grace and others abilities and potential. Jan canned 25 quarts of Bumbleberry pie filling this past week. What's Bumbleberry? Let's see if I remember. Rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, and one more.
With all the rainy days our 1st and 2nd pass spraying on crops are starting to run together. The guys put in a long day on Thursday.
The planters are currently all home. We still have a few acres of our own and others to plant yet. The acres we need to still plant are growing if we replant the river bottoms that flooded this past week.
We've had farms receive anywhere from 2 to 8 inches this past week with much flooding. The guys also helped friends clean up tornado damage. Below is the terrace above our new Morgan pond doing it's job. If you notice you can see the flooded waters going over the overflow on the right side. This terrace is designed to allow the dirt to settle out of the rain water before it enters the pond.
Late Thursday night I watched the full moon emerge from the clouds as I waited to load Kurt's planter in the field. It started raining again around 5am Friday morning.
With all our crew planting, spraying, and tendering on Thursday, I started spreading treated urea on some of our corn acres. Urea is extra nitrogen. I'm guessing we are losing some N due to all our wet weather. Thanks for tendering me Matt. Thanks for allowing him to Jim.
Friday morning after coffee and another rain, Jan and I headed for a day together to Rutledge, Memphis, and Cantril. We stopped in Douds on the way home for a tenderloin.
Today is Memorial Day weekend. It's when we remember. Am I enough? No, I'm not. At least not here on earth. However whether I'm remembered for accomplishments or failures, it's ok. Because my weaknesses highlight what God can do. It sounds like surrender. That's exactly right. How about you?


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