Sunday, December 17, 2023

And The Time Came

What are some of your most memorable days or moments? The day you were born? Probably not. The day you bought your first truck? The day you married? The day your business started or grew? The day someone helped you? The day you lost someone? These are all moments in history. When the time came. Big sister Brynn is listening while Grandpa tells Tatum a story.

Who you are, where you're at, and what you contribute in His-story does not just happen by chance or coincidence. The Christmas season reminds us of giving, sharing, and good-will. However God gives us opportunities year around. And I too often miss them.
Jan and I took a morning off last Monday and went to Rutledge, Missouri. When the time comes for change or moving forward, the Amish resist because of their beliefs. And any change is decided by the district elder. Does this hinder them from sharing the story of Christmas to their unsaved neighbors?
We continue to get field work done. Dean finished chiseling a bottom Friday.
BJ finished a big tile plowing project for Luke and then switched to a couple of smaller jobs with the trencher.
We cleaned up the hog honey hauling equipment this past week inside and out. And Karl got much of the equipment put away.
It's getting to be shop work time and will ramp up after Christmas. We have semis to service. The combines have been inspected and have a list. Tractors need cleaned up. We usually replace ground working tools on our planters every other year.
We have a kitchen wall with pictures of 21 boys and 10 girls. Jan, myself, our children, and our grandchildren. Most at 14 months old. A Christmas nativity scene sits below. The grandkids in the pictures above have always liked to play with. Of course we have close to a dozen spouses and significant others that have joined our family as well. My point is not that we have large Christmas get-togethers, which we will this coming Friday evening. God has moments and times planned for each and every one of this crew. And you as well.
"And the time came for her baby to be born. Mary gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them." Luke 2:6-7  Thanks for the picture. That baby over 2000 years ago came for you. To save you. To create significant moments and times in your life. And to give you opportunities to create moments and times in others' lives. Don't miss it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and many blessings