Sunday, September 25, 2022

Tough And Tender By Example

Week three of harvest came and went in spurts it seemed. There were long days. There was also down time toward the end of the week. It seems the variability of the crop has caused things to dry down slower than usual. Kudos to our crew for adapting to the ebb and flow of our progress. They displayed toughness and grit during the longer hours. They also showed a more tender side of mutual trust and friendship while spending those many hours together. Below Alex is watching his truck load. Thanks for the picture Karl.

While driving semi I missed a couple of suppers in the field. A huge thank you to the gals for taking the time and effort out of their many responsibilities to cook and deliver a meal. We were able to have supper together on Kurt and Emily's deck earlier last week while combining corn there.
Our part time helper big John continues to follow the combines after his day job and mow fencerow edges and waterways on completed fields.
If you own a semi you will experience tire troubles. It comes with the territory. Kurt's father-in-law papa Jon has been a big help. Below he is adding air to an inside dual after a blowout of the outside dual on the 4-lane.
On Thursday we switched to combining soybeans at Kurt and Emily's west of Leighton. And Karl and Kristin's northwest of Osky. The soybeans were a happy surprise on both yield and moisture. We delivered beans to Des Moines and the bin.
During one of her many trips with kids Cassia stopped at Georges in Pella and brought out six pizzas for the soybean harvest crew.
In between all their other jobs Mike and Mark have been working on our Morgan farm cleaning ditches and getting ready for a pond.
As soon as Kurt and Emily's boys get off the school bus, they pile on their "wheels" and head for the field to help their Dad. Karl and Kristin's Malaki helped his Dad Wednesday load out overstock pigs.
It rained Friday and life slowed down some. Below Matt, Kasey, Jim, BJ, Andy, and Dean catch up on the week over a cup of coffee or a bottle of water.
The break in harvest Friday and Saturday gave us some time to catch up on shop jobs including changing oil on a combine after three week of running.
BJ finished a tiling job for Keith on some pasture he hopes to farm next year. Thanks for the picture BJ.
I mowed 5th cutting hay yesterday afternoon. I also worked in fertilizer and rye with our high speed disk at night when I was excused from harvesting.
The change in pace was welcome Friday afternoon and Saturday. I picked up in the shop and helped mow yards. Friday evening was spent helping Jan watch Brynn and Sydnie. I helped Sydnie build a castle, and Brynn fell asleep on my lap while waiting for her parents to pick up the girls.

Then after supper last evning BJ and John found the soybeans were back down to 12.7 in moistue. So we loaded semis for Monday morning delivery. 

Following Christ's example means serving. Serving requires both tough and tender.

In our culture today there are times to be tender, when it comes to sharing each others burdens. And there are times to be tough, when it comes to standing up for our values, our freedoms, and our Biblical principals.
Every new day the sun comes up is a gift. To be productive. To make a difference. To build a relationship. To act on an opportunity. Let's focus on the Giver. Let's not leave this gift unopened.
 Blessings. And thanks for stopping by.

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