Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Simple Blessings

Last week we talked about a great song called "Hymn of Heaven". This morning I'd like to incorporate an equally exceptional song called "The Blessing". It was written as a benediction of blessing and guidance from the heart of the Father to us his children. The chorus reminds us that God is for us in our coming, and our going. In the times we're crying, and the times we're rejoicing.

Dean is unloading BJ on the go on the farm where BJ, Cassia, and their family live.

The song talks about God's favor being upon us for a thousand generations. Our families, our children, and our grandchildren.

These are four of our eight granddaughters. Sydnie, Hazel, Allison, and Natalie. All blessings. They were all cheerleaders during halftime at the Pella Christian High football game Friday evening. Thanks for the picture.

We had a second good week of harvest. I spent much of the week in a semi. Yield and moisture are still variable not only on different farms but even in the same field. Our average yield on 1200 acres harvested is about 20% under our APH (actual production history)  Thanks for the picture.
We still have repairs now and again. I felt bummed. We loaned out our eight row head and a gear box went out after just a few acres. Thanks to Dean and the crew it's again good to go.
I spent a fair amount of time waiting in line to unload. I've noticed a number of drivers bringing in corn are foreign. Apparently compensating for our lack of help in the work force in our own country. There is, not always, but often a comaraderie that develops between drivers in line and those that help unload. A simple blessing.
Mike continues his dirtwork projects for me as well as others. He has also been spending time cleaning up CRP fields with his mulcher on a skidloader. He and Suzanne slip away once in a while to watch Cody's football games in northwest Iowa.
When Eddyville closed early this week we moved to Kurt and Emily's west of Leighton to dry some corn in Kurt's dryer.
We spent a fair amount of time on a rainy Saturday getting the dryer to behave. Thanks to Tim on the phone and Matt on the scene, it chose to finally cooperate.
I was in Kurt's shop trying to stay dry when Lane came in and said he needed a rag to clean his shoes and bike. When I went to check out the situation this is what I found. 😊 Apparently he had gotten stuck with first his bike and then his shoes. Growing up with room to explore, even when you get stuck is a simple blessing.

You might ask, how can you talk about God's favor when we are living in a clouded culture? Our countries leaders don't even acknowledge the "Son" exists, let alone the energy for productive life on earth.

BJ and Cassia's John has been high speed disking in rye seed on ground going to soybeans next year. We call him little John even though he is not little since we also have a Big John, a Papa John, and maybe even a banker John later. All a blessing to have on our crew.

The last two and a half years have accentuated (made more prominent) simple blessings I used to take for granted. A dentist that cares. A high school football game. Family get-togethers. Two rainy Saturday afternoons in a row after a very dry summer. Coffee conversations. A pie that showed up as a thank you for sweetcorn. Thanks Meredith. These things are the diesel that fills my tank. This is why I encourage you to care. To think. And to act.  Simple blessings.

While harvesting on the South 80 northwest of Rose Hill I noticed an older gentleman with white hair driving and unloading a semi load of feed into a bulk bin by the hog shed. I thanked him for still working at a more elderly age, introduced myself, and asked his name. When he told me I said, "Are you kidding me? You have taken our family pictures in the 1990s. You even took our wedding pictures in 1975 when you farmed south of Hedrick". Gary replied, "That was a long time ago son".

Last Sunday was kickoff for our Sunday school season. Kudos to those Sunday school teachers standing in front of church willing to invest their lives in others. A blessing.
Andy started hanging out at our house during his high school years. And has been helping us off and on ever since. Including helping with trucking the last couple of weeks. When he came in to the office with his corn tickets Friday afternoon we talked about the past. He and Amara's present and future family. His being able to get into farming, trucking, and custom feeding hogs on his own. We agreed life was about relationships. With God. And with others. Simple blessings.

I'm in the Old Testament prophets during my morning Bible reading. Just like the Bible stories, there will come a time when God says enough, to our country trying to do life without Him. Until then, and even then, we will continue to enjoy simple blessings. Because just like the benediction song says, "His presence will go before us, and behind us, and beside us, and yes, even within us". Because of His love and care for us. Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

I read the blog and your mention of rye seed alerted me of what I found in an old deep freeze where mice can't get -- 3 kinds of left over seed are stored in it --usable???

Anonymous said...

I'm doubting if the seed has any germination (ability to sprout) left after many years