Sunday, September 4, 2022


On this Labor Day weekend summer is close to over. Harvest 2022 has started. I guessed we would be having a shorter crop this year and that is proving to be true. The crop is variable in stalk quality, test weight, moisture, and yield.

Corn on corn will be more effected by our dry summer than the rotation acres. This will be Jan and my 48th crop. As I look back and remember both the big years and the short years, I'm confident our 2022 crop will be enough.
Startups sometimes have their hic-ups. We found a corn leveling spreader had gotten tired. Thanks Kurt, Alex, and brother Bill for helping out.
We had some endrows that had fertilizer and herbicides applied but no crop so on the 4th of July I planted a late batch of sweetcorn. Up until recently that corn received just two small rain showers. However it must have been enough. Thanks brother-in-law Roger and grandson Ezra for helping pick yesterday morning.
It was not in Jan's original week's plan but she agreed to prepare and freeze another big batch of corn yesterday. You might wonder if we have enough freezer space. We used around 50 quart for our appreciation supper. And she has given around 100 quart away, prepared in freezer bags.
Remember all our graincart mishaps last fall? Well, we had a cart with enough damage it was not practical to repair. So we replaced that cart, and Monday our crew went to Williamsburg to watch our new one get built. Thanks Kinze for a great tour.
Ezra and his family are having company over for the weekend. So after helping here yesterday he loaded up a couple of extra vehicles so they could enjoy riding.
So a financial planning company has been using our 2015 family picture on FB that Becky took. We don't mind. However early one morning when I couldn't sleep I decided to check the company out. Come to find out it's a fine company with good people. Since they borrowed our picture I'm going to borrow a phrase I found from the company's founder that I totally agree with. "The meaning of life is discovering your gifts. And the purpose of life is giving those gifts away." That glorifies God. And that's enough.
Last Sunday noon we celebrated Sydnie's 5th birthday. She is in kindergarten.
Last Sunday evening our family was asked to be the praise team for an outdoor outreach service at our church. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.
We built our pond here on our farm yard in 2005. And it was stocked with a variety of fish including Walleye. However only a few have been caught. This past week Leo caught a nice sized walleye. Good job Leo, and Grandpa Jerry.
Last evening was our community Concert on the Square and we were invited to meet the artists performing. Friday Night Fire Band, a local group of folks opened the show. They did a great job. What you may not know is that the two lead singers had said good-bye to their mother, Linda Sue, just a few hours earlier at her funeral. Delayna and Derek, you are in my prayers.
Britt was kind as ever to our granddaughters and their friends. Granddaughter Natalie and her friends finding me later in the evening and saying thank you for the experience was the cherry on top of the sundae that topped off a very good concert. It is enough. Britt is married and has three children.
It's often tempting for me to look at our countries leaders trying to destroy our culture and think they are winning. They have media, big business, hollywood, most of our national legislatures, the IRS, the FBI, and even hospitals and healthcare. However what I sometimes forget is that we who still appreciate our religious liberties, our values, our freedoms, and our opportunities to succeed and fail in our occupations, have God. And that is enough. Thanks for the picture Bev. Blessings.

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