Sunday, August 28, 2022

Be Ready For A Good Day

There is a sacredness about early mornings. It feels like the rest of the world is still sleeping. You look up in the sky and see the front edge of the big dipper pointing to the north star. It's just you and God since He is always awake. Later the red horizon in the east promises it's going to be a good day.

Every new day has it's possibilities. We start with a clean slate and need to be intentional about goals. Which might include work, projects, time off, and others. Kurt, Ben, and Jake took their boys camping down by the river before the busy season starts again.

I remember when Jan and I were first starting out as a family. An addition to our clan. A piece of machinery showed up. Or when the phone rang about an opportunity. Those days felt good.

Kasey and Sydnie are starting a new venture on their farm southwest of Eddyville. They purchased a dump truck and are looking forward to their own day to day business. If you need rock, lime, or dirt hauled, give him a call. He is a hard worker and will treat you right. Blessings Kasey, Sydnie, and Presley.

If you're not having a good day, make someone else's good. And yours will get better. Jan and I took off a couple of days to Indiana. We stopped in the little farming town of Farmington, Illinois for breakfast. We anonymously paid for two other couples meals. We quietly tipped the waitress well. I'll never know what they thought. But I sure felt good.
After picking up a welder/generator for BJ near Covington, Indiana, we went to visit and stay with friends in Cicero, Indiana. Thanks Ken and Cheri for your friendship and hospitality. Their dog's name is Ginger. Another interesting fact. Every road in their county is hard surfaced. They have no gravel roads.
The next day we attended Becknology Days in Atlanta, Indiana. We enjoyed visiting their country store. I had a great visit with our friend and Becks chaplain. Thanks Mark. We listened to the Becks family talk about business and culture. We toured corn and soybean plots. We looked over all the commitment reward items. And we enjoyed lunch.
Remember, no matter what age you are, or what your business is, you are here for a such a time as this. And were created for a purpose. Help make yours and others a good day.
Matt, Karl, and I scouted some fields for yield and moisture this past week. We stopped and visited a few customers.
I'm guessing our corn harvest is just days away. The ears in the left side of the picture is a 105 day corn planted April 12. Kurt and I also went to the tough dirt to get a handle on ear size.
Karl and Malaki seem to have had a good pumpkin harvest. Jan also processed and froze some squash grown by Karl.
This past Monday on the evening before school started, several of us met at Oskaloosa Christian Grade School to pray together for a good school year. Thanks Ryan. These pictures on the wall in the entry way of all the graduating classes show the legacy of the school, and parent's passion, commitment, and sacrifice for Christian education. My father, myself, our 6 children, and grandkids are all pictured on this wall.
There is way more to growing up than just school. On the last Monday of summer vacation 14 of the younger grandkids came to see Grandma, eat her macaroni and cheese, and play together as cousins. I will also miss Ezra, Elijah, and Jackson who helped me 3 days/week this summer.
On Friday night Pella Christian and Des Moines Christian played their first football game of the season. After the game both teams met in the center of the field for fellowship and prayer. And some coaches from both teams went out together for a bite to eat after the game. It was a good day.
We've had a dry summer and our crop is hurt some. However sitting on the front porch last evening and watching it rain reminded me we will be taken care of. Like our families billboard north of Ottumwa says: "We plan, prepare, and plant. But the Lord determines the outcome". Late August rains will definitely help fill soybean pods.
This noon we are going to Karl and Kristins to celebrate Sydnie's 5th birthday. This past week while helping her Dad here in the office she drew me a picture of her and Grandpa holding hands. That's a good day for family. Also in the picture is a flyer on our bulletin board for the free Concert on the Square in Oskaloosa this coming Saturday evening. That will be a good day for community. As I look outside, this day is waking up. Be ready for a good Sunday.


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