Sunday, May 1, 2022

Raising Assets

Our daughter-in-law Emily was preparing supper one evening in her kitchen when she decided to check on their youngest, Lane. She found him near their farm shop in this tractor. When Lane saw his mother, the two year old asked,"How do you start this thing Mom?" Thanks for taking the picture Emily.

I had coffee this week with Phil, a farmer friend and pastor. We talked about delayed farming, the blessing of family, our current culture, and raising effective kids.

Later that conversation got me thinking. While spraying cover crop. At one of our six effective, grown, children's home. Watching Issac and Cornie pour cement for Cassia's sidewalk and walkout patio. What works when it comes to raising assets in our homes? Yes, prayer. And yes, God's grace. However when God created families He expected parents to do their part. In parenting, pursuit must be stronger than passivity. In our country today, do we have a kid problem? Or a parent problem?
Jan and I were blessed to raise our family on a farm where there were plenty of opportunities for responsibility. When I asked her for her thoughts she said it starts as infants. With children as well as grandchildren Jan has always believed babies had a need for feeling loved and secure. Maybe a tight blanket or papoose. Maybe a tight hold. Obviously attention. And she says to put them where they can be aware of their surroundings and observe. The picture below was taken while the Dordt basketball team was over for lunch in our farm shop a while back. Blessings on your family Kyle and Kara.

Toddlers need attention, boundaries, learning to share, and small jobs rather than screens. Allow room for adventure. And when they wander off to the tractor during supper preparation, be ok with grabbing the camera before you grab the child.

Last Sunday evening we visited Cornerstone Church (old Pella II) where they had a service of praise and worship in their new building.

School age kids need affirmation. Put them in an atmosphere where they find the right friends. Reward effort. Teach respect. By now they should know how to work. They should start to be comfortable with responsibility. This is the age when they should care about others. That happens when life is not centered solely on them and their lives.
Friday afternoon we went to an Osky Christian Grade School music program and play ending Grandparents Day.

By the time kids reach the young adult age teaching to be an asset happens more by example than words. Make sure these young folks have grasped the concept of being generous. Never say never. Pick the hills you choose to die on. The integrity, respect, truthfulness, work ethic, and caring hills.
Last evening BJ and Cassia's John came over with a friend to work on Conner's pickup in Grandpa's shop. Thanks for letting me borrow your camera to take this picture John. And thanks for being an asset. Not only in your family. In your community. But also in God's kingdom.
Yesterday was wet and cold around here so I had a date with Jan. We went to two Amish and one Mennonite families southwest of Centerville. After shopping for plants, bushes, and trees, We stopped at Georges and Nicks, a Greek restaurant in Centerville for supper.
While Jan shopped I hunted up the Dads of these families, often in a different building, and just visited. They are just as curious about "English" as I am about Amish and we both had questions for each other. One family had twelve children. One had ten. And the very young Mennonite father just had two. One father told me he and his siblings got together yesterday to take care of his mother's affairs. His mother had 108 grandkids, and 275 great-grandkids. I don't agree with everything the Amish do. However I do respect their families. Their children are finished with education in their schools after the eighth grade.

Last year, late in the session, our Iowa legislature passed a law prohibiting Iowa schools from propaganding to our children values parents disagree with. This past week in the news, five suburban schools around Des Moines were on tape joking and telling how they get around the law of indoctrinating children in class. 

Our president said this week in a meeting with teachers that our countries kids "were his and the teachers" when in class. And then he added, "and no one else's", referring to parents. What an insight into their predator culture.

Friday evening Jan and I attended Joshua Christian Acadamy's banquet. JCA is an inner city Christian school in Des Moines. Jan and I sponsor the 6th grade. JCA is an extention of the parents, many of which are minorities, at raising assets in the community as well as God's kingdom. 

We farmed a couple of days and nights this week. Below Dean is helping Kurt check his planters technology. With the wet weather and this being May, we are about one third completed with getting the crop in.

Those two days were also very big spraying days. Kudos to Jim and Pablo for getting product to the field.
Karl and I have been spraying. A couple of years ago Karl, Alex, and Kasey put violet, LED lights shining on the boom to help see our spray pattern during the night. When the grandkids and I went to the Power Farming Show in February I noticed these lights were a new option for sprayers for the 2022 models. Sometimes it feels good to be an asset ahead of the game.
Soil temps are variable, even on any given day with our current weather patterns. However planted seeds have healthy sprouts and as you can see, our seeding around the pond across the road, is emerging.
Mike continues his construction projects. And Mark as well when he is not farming. BJ's tile plow has been parked this week. It's a blessing to watch kids be an asset to others in their careers.
In my personal devotions I came to 1 Chronicles 7-10. What do you make of three chapters of names? Ancestry. Families. However once in awhile I read of mighty warriors, trusted officials, prominent leaders, and heads of clans. Not many daughters in the Bible, however it said Ephraim's daughter Shemaan built three cities. Raising assets. I also read where Ephraim had two sons who went to Gath, and were killed while trying to steal neighbors livestock. These chapters finish with the point of the story recorded. It says God left King Saul because he was not acknowledging the Lord. He failed to keep His commands. And failed to ask for guidance. We as a country are not acknowledging the Lord these days. How long will God wait for us to change?
Olivia, her boyfriend Josh, Elizabeth, and her friend came over for lunch yesterday. We enjoyed the visit. We talked about in the big picture, and not our current circles, how few kids have solid two parent families.
Wrapping up. What about grown children? Give them opportunities, so they can succeed on their own, and raise their own assets. Acknowledge and compliment them on their hard work and busy lives. Help them become better at things than we are. And don't forget to let them know they are loved. I need to work harder on not just showing them but telling them that. Sorry I'm late posting. I overslept. Blessings.

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