Sunday, February 6, 2022

Is That A Fact?

"The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why." 

Yesterday Sydnie, Elijah, Ezra, and Malaki helped clean a tractor. It warms my heart to see cousins enjoy each others company and learn to work together.

Samuel Clemons was born in Missouri, the sixth of seven children. He grew up in the heart of rural America. He left school after 5th grade and went to work. He had a gift for writing. He enjoyed giving out common sense advice. His life was not without difficulties. He grew up as a Presbyterian.

 I have always respected Mark Twain (his pen name) and agreed with most of what he has written. He wrote in a letter once, "If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." I'm constantly trying to follow this advice. All the quotations this morning are his with exception to the last verse of our visit which was written by King David. 

"Don't let school get in the way of education." No worries. I value an education and know school is important. I do however think the experiences we have in life teach us much. Wednesday a number of grandkids missed school and went to the Iowa Farming Power Show and then Perkins for lunch with Grandpa. Thanks to Mark and Stacy who also went along.
"If you have to eat a frog, eat it first thing. If you have to eat more than one, eat the largest one first." This quote means if you have a hard job, get it finished right away. Early in the week we were cleaning out bins first thing in the morning. And then doing easier jobs in the afternoon.
Mike spent a cold day burning brush piles. Thanks for the picture Mike.
The ice on our pond is around 18 inches deep. The frost in the ground is about the same where there is no snow. Mike got through the frost to dig a hole to bury the remnants of the brush pile. Thanks for the picture Mike.
Mike purchased a full pork belly. This is where bacon comes from. He cubed it, smoked it for a full day, seasoned it, and is bringing this dish to our potluck dinner at church this morning. Thanks for the picture Mike.
"One learns people through the heart, not the eyes, or the intellect."  After visiting with Gerrit and Sis's family at Gerrit's funeral visitation we went out to eat with Jan's sister and brother. Donna and Arlin, Jan and I, and Paul enjoyed getting together and catching up.
"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." We've heard a lot of talk about vaccines. And very little about natural immunity. I recovered from Covid in December of 2020. 3 months later on March 26 I went and got tested for antibodies (natural immunity) and found I had them. Last Thursday, 14 months later, I thought it would be interesting to see if I still had immunity. As you can see in the photo below I did, and the nurse told me my antibodies came back as long term, meaning I had no antibodies from a recent sickness or shot. I'm not vaccinated.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." I found this chart interesting since I've been to and have friends in both places. The 2 year chart is showing sick people, comparing Isreal, which is 85% fully vaccinated and working on their 4th booster, to South Africa, which is 6% vaccinated. In Malawi (southeastern Africa) my friend Harrison tells me that cases in his country are very insignificant and he praises the Lord for His goodness.
"With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity."  I realize I'm on thin ice with this story. And my intention is not self-focused. However I think this is a "fact" you need to know. For the last year and a half our family and help has helped dozens of folks recover from Covid by helping them get early treatment. However effective early treatment medications are getting very hard to get and very expensive. Our government is continuing to try and has outlawed effective medications in many states. And our medical community for the most part has refused to prescribe these very safe medications. Folks, for the last year and a half early treatment would have saved thousands of lives. We all know of friends who have gone to the hospital with pneumonia and blood clots after it's about too late.
Our grain cart stories continue. On Friday morning Jan and I headed out early. We stopped in Davenport at The Machine Shed for breakfast. Then Farm Fleet for some shopping. And finally arriving at Kunau Implement in DeWitt, Iowa.
I've been told I don't have hobbies. However I do have a weakness for buying equipment that grandkids and I can use together. We have visited before about the first grain cart Jon at Kinze built for a neighbor in 1971. This is the cart that came from that need. Jan called it a baby Kinze Friday. This one was built in the late 70s or early 80s, and holds 400 bushel. We have a combine now whose hopper holds 510 bushel. I'm planning on having a smaller cab tractor pull it and have some of the younger grandkids help harvest.😊
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." Last Saturday I went to see my Mom. She is testing positive for Covid. She was sleeping soundly and when she opened her eyes and took my hand, she thought and talked like I was her little child from along time ago. I was ok with that. During those days she had more courage, stamina, and caring for others that I can only hope to live up to.
David was his countries leader and king of Isreal 3000 years ago. He has a fair amount of his own quotes written in the Bible. In Psalm 37 he writes, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Turn away from bad. Do good. And you will live." Now that's a fact.       Blessings.

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