Sunday, February 13, 2022

Bigger Than Winning

This has been quite a season for competing. There are the Olympics, the Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, basketball districts, and state wrestling. There will be both winners and losers. However winning and losing both end after the event. How folks handle winning and losing, as far as character, respect, and kindness goes, last a lifetime.

Below Mike has loaded and is taking Mark's trackhoe to Kasey's to work on another brush pile.

The guys are starting to bring the heavy equipment in. One of the first things they do is drop the belly pans, give everything a good bath, and check for oil leaks and worn hoses.
We're still servicing our farm equipment. After the heavy equipment week, we'll start on planters and seed tenders.
Karl continues to sell hogs and is getting ready for new pigs as he gets empty from fats. The livestock industry has a shortage of truckers right now. Thanks for the picture Collin. And kudos to farmers like Collin, Kurtis, Andy, and others who are using their farm trucks to help haul livestock this winter.
While the ice was still thick we decided it was a good time to add sand to the beach area on our pond. Just like we've had guests on the ice fishing all winter, this gets used all summer by family, guests, and church groups. We've even had churches use the beach area for a number of baptisms.
Jim is still helping us haul grain. And this last week we used the "baby grain cart" to load corn where we couldn't get in a semi hopper bottom.
This past Wednesday morning Brent and Jim brought over breakfast sandwiches early and we talked about spray acres for the coming year. Thanks guys. Then we all had to go to commercial sprayer applicator class which is required every year. We have seven commercial applicators in our crew that are licensed to spray for others.
For the past two plus years our family has been happy having Mom in Montezuma assisted living. However because of their lack of finding help our family is moving Mom to Oskaloosa Care Center tomorrow. Thanks for the picture Beth.

Sports seems to start early these days in kid's lives. I don't know these young boys but this picture speaks volumes about winning, losing, and character. Winning is often measured in minutes. Character and kindness are measured in moments. Thanks for posting this picture Bethany.

This past Friday evening was senior night at Pella Christian High School. On the girls team Marina who is a foreign exchange student from Brazil and living with Mark and Stacy was the only senior. Although she didn't play that often Brad, her coach, told folks what an inspiration she was to the team with her smile, her attention to others, and her encouraging words to her team mates. Now that's bigger than winning!

 I'm trying to keep the emphasis off of politics during our visits. However I would like to thank the Canadian truckers. And even though they may not get their mandates lifted, they have done more for the cause in two weeks than most of us have done in two years. It seems our president talked to Canada's prime minister and told him to get those guys out of there before Americans get any ideas of doing the same. Even though leaders are trying to get off the pandemic exit, they still love the power of trying to control our lives.

We had a Friday fish fry again this week. Thanks to Mike who did the cooking. Thanks again to landlords, Buddy and Eileen, for supplying most of the catfish. Renting farmland is a blessing. However relationships with landlords is bigger. Gideon and his friend Noah joined us. Mark's father-in-law Fred came with Mark. And thanks to Matt, and Eugene, for joining us.
I used two pictures this morning of folks I didn't know. The one with the little guys playing basketball, and these gals. Jan and I have an interest in the Dordt University Ag program. And have encouraged Dordt to go to farm shows to tell kids about the Ag program. Thanks Steve for sending me this picture from The World Ag Expo in California of these high school farm kids who came by Dordt's booth to learn more about their Ag classes. We're looking forward to seeing you, Diane, and Eric and Barb in about ten days.
I lost a cousin this week. Dale passed away Thursday after a pickup accident three weeks ago north of Otley. Our sympathies to Marilyn and the family. I used to stay for a week at a time with Dale and Dwight as a kid at Uncle Tunis and Aunt Martha's house. We also used to go sledding on their big pasture hill.

Below is Dale and his son Brian. They had a construction business together. Brian, being a father, I can tell you that your dad loved your business. He was also good with equipment. But what got him up every morning was the ability to work with his son. Thanks for posting this picture. And I promise to pray for you as you head into another construction season without him

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I'm not so good with gifts and chocolates. I am blessed with friends, many of you, with an occupation I love, with family, including 6 wonderful children, and their spouses, and their 22 kids. However the bigger blessing is spending my life with this gal. I love you Jan. And together we enjoy each others' company as: "We press on to reach the end of the race, and win the heavenly prize for which God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us". Philippians 3:14 
After we're all finished here on earth, spending eternity in Heaven with our Lord is the biggest win. And it's a gift for the asking. Don't miss it. See you next week.

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