Sunday, February 7, 2021

Keep Me In The Moment

 This past week I had a goal to focus on and enjoy the little things in life. The national and political scene in America can get depressing. We also noticed and tried to support folks that weren't scared and are living as normally as possible. Kudos to the Iowa Power Farming Show who held their event in person in Des Moines. We attended and enjoyed the show with grandsons and a couple of their friends on Tuesday. Thanks to the vendors and machinery companies that participated. Those vendors that chose not to go missed an opportunity.

After the machinery show we all went to Perkins for lunch. Because of social distancing we couldn't use our normal long table however we still had a good meal and a great time. We told the grandkid's friends we were adopting them during lunch so we could all sit as a family. 😊
First thing Monday morning we dropped off at Leighton Locker and then drove down to our Mennonite friends in Rutledge, Mo. Unlike our Amish friends in southern Iowa the Mennonite folks are allowed to drive vehicles however they have to be black in color so we fit right in. Their children go to parent or church run schools through the 8th grade and then right into the workforce helping in the family lockers, carpenter and furniture shops, nurseries, farms, and retail stores.
I enjoyed a cup of coffee and homemade blackberry pie while Jan shopped in the different fabric, grocery, and household goods stores. The folks down there are such a blessing to do business with. They sing while they stock shelves. You can see their smiles, and their faith shines through their faces as they help and serve customers.
 BJ and crew continued to tile early in the week. However progress might be on hold awhile with our current below zero temperatures.
Wednesday afternoon Jan and I went to see Mom. Of course the visit is still through a closed window. Thanks to Doug's family who scooped a path and built a snowman for Mom. Also thanks to Donna for keeping the bird feeder by the window full so Mom and Marge, her roommate, can watch birds.
On the way home we stopped at Peppertree Restaurant, picked up a couple of meals, and enjoyed them together at home. I enjoyed the visit with Doug and Kathy, Randy and Kathy, and a couple of others as I waited. One single gentleman was a couple of dollars short in paying for his meal so I helped him out. I didn't know him and he appreciated it.
Yesterday morning we all got together at Karl and Kristin's hogshed and helped get it ready for baby pigs on this very cold week. Thanks for the cinnamon rolls Kristin.
I noticed earlier in the week Sully Christian School was doing their fundraising supper and bazaar in person so Jan and I stopped by to support them and visit Sully friends. On the way home we picked up a pizza and met the current owners of the small restaurant in New Sharon who bought it in 2018 from Glen and Shirley who used to run a Kent Feed dealership there when I was a little kid. I'd recommend you stop when they are open. It was great pizza.
In a speech to America on September 29,1959, Nikita, the leader of Russia back then pounded his shoe on his podium and predicted that our children's children would be living under communism. He said a democracy will cease to exist when you take money from those who work and freely give it to those who won't. He also said our freedoms would be taken away so slowly we would hardly notice. 62 years ago there were 8 levels of control that had to happen first to go from freedom, to socialism, to communism. 1. Become dependent on healthcare. 2. Increase the poverty level. 3. Create unsustainable debt. 4. Remove the ability of folks to defend themselves with gun control. 5. Encourage dependence on government with welfare. 6. Take control of what folks read and listen to. 7. Remove God from schools and government. 8. Create class warfare. Thanks Ken.
Ronald Reagan said, "Evil is powerless if good folks are unafraid". He also said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction because it must be protected and fought for. He said if our values and freedoms are not taught and passed down to our children we will spend our sunset years telling our children's children how America used to look when it was free. Below is a current picture of Jan and I with our children's children.
So what can keep the joy in our lives? To remember that Heaven is not shaken by our current events. Jeremy Camp sings, "Keep me in the moment cause I don't want to miss what You have for me". Let's focus on and enjoy the little blessings God gives us every day. Thanks for stopping by. Stay warm and live unafraid.


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