Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Family Purpose

 Yesterday my hand bumped a button on my pickup steering wheel. It accidentally changed the radio station and ended up on a National Public Radio station. I listened as I was getting ready to change it back. The show host was talking about re-imagining how capitalism should look. The next subject was what to do about the increasing amount of white power. The third subject was how after our countries latest inauguration, Illinois decided it was safe to send kids back to school. However the teachers union said they had no desire to go back to in-class teaching. The final subject was introducing a law in Illinois to abolish cash bails for prisoners. 

There are times when I feel a sense of purpose for our family that includes helping this country be the best we can be. And then there are days like yesterday when I feel like Jackson on top of the knipco heater. And think our family needs to stay in the hill country of rural America like the Sackett family Louis L'Amour writes about in his westerns and take care of ourselves. Thanks for the picture Mike.

On Thursday we had some friends over for lunch including Ryan, Keith, Doug, and Mike, along with our farming crew. We talked about faith, family, farming, plans, our purpose, and our future. And not just for the coming year but for coming generations.

A families future and purpose are a lot the same as farming. We're not just to think about our next year but about our next generations. Last Sunday little Brynn, of Karl and Kristin along with Betsey, of Kyle and Meredith were baptized. Brynn and Betsey were promised by their parents and the congregation that they would be raised with a purpose. God, who actually makes all the promises, promised to help.

Filling LP tanks in the summer just takes a couple of minutes. Filling them in winter takes awhile because of less pressure in cold weather. So I set up a lawn chair and went and got my knipco heater and set up operations one morning.

We had several inches of snow early last week with the kids missing a day and a half of school. So BJ and John mounted a large snow blade on their tractor. This outfit is currently pulling a tilecart on a tiling job they are trying to get finished up.
   Yesterday we had close to an inch of rain with temps in the low 30s. BJ and John actually tiled. Pablo worked on cleaning tractors. Matt and I helped Jan in her basement. We set up a conveyor to haul some customwork corn. And I did office work.
We had several meals in the shop this past week. Mike deepfat fried fish one day while Kurt helped with brats and buffalo burgers on another day. Jan brought out homemade jalapeno poppers.
 A family purpose is a result, not an activity. It is also a lifetime, not an afternoon job to mark off the list. Last Saturday we took family pictures on the pond ice. It made me think about this mornings content. Thanks for the family pictures and help Michelle. 

God has given me a spouse and put me in a family that makes me beyond blessed. We as a family have some ideas and values we use to help each other out. I think rather than introduce the pictures of our kids and grandkids which feels like bragging, I'll share some of those ideas and values.
 Even though my father didn't intentionally intend to, I was raised to be independent. It served me well and now I am being intentional about helping our children and their families be as independent as they choose to be.
We help each other discover and develop individual gifts. What are you good at? Can that turn into an opportunity?
Then, can we make that opportunity a reality and how can we help each other make that happen? This isn't just a parent thing. Our kids on more than one occasion have said, "Hey Dad, I think you're good at that".
A family purpose is encouraging each other to love and honor God. To ask Him for help. To remember to thank Him for results. And to give Him credit due for the blessings we enjoy.
A family purpose is also to love and help others. Individually with each other. And corporately as a family to our neighbors and acquaintances.
We also encourage each other to live unoffended and unafraid. Friday evening at a basketball game I enjoyed a conversation with Chris. We talked about this. When you have a large family, and that family is blessed with opportunities, it's not uncommon to hear unkind stories come back to you. Some of it is jealousy. Some of it is wanting to make us look little. It's why we live with grit and gratitude. Grit towards our purpose here on earth. And gratitude towards God and each other.
Friday evening was homecoming at Pella Christian High School. Mike and Suzanne's Cody was on the homecoming court. Mark and Stacy's Amelia played on the JV team. I'm thankful for Governor Kim here in Iowa who is pushing school districts to have education look and act as normal as possible. I'm thankful for Osky Christian's daily life at school that has a learning atmosphere. Kudos to Sully Christian Grade School who is having an inperson fundraiser. I intend to go and support that kind of courage.
Life is not about rules and regulations. Religion isn't either. Both are about relationships. With God. And with each other. And you can't do church without relationships. I'm thankful our church is becoming more normal. We are even again having our Sunday noon potlucks. Some pastors have a message on living unafraid. And then at the end of the message there are all these rules on how to leave without visiting. The churches most showing the love of Christ are meeting regularly. Shaking hands and hugging. Visiting before and after church. Serving guests coffee in real cups. And growing in size, services, and numbers. We are to respect all members, including those who need to stay safe or even home for health reasons. However it's been a year. If your church isn't meeting regularly, you are showing your children and grandchildren you are more scared of dying than living. 
A family purpose has eternal consequences. God has given each of us responsibilities. While we are here on earth and maybe even after we are gone. Two more values: As parents, God doesn't just expect us to teach our children, but to teach our children to teach their children purpose. And finally, don't measure one's success by how much their family needs them. Measure one's success by how well that family operates and gets along after one is gone.

Kind of long this morning. My apologies. My takeaway is God has given us all a purpose. We are inadequate on our own to accomplish our purpose. However God loves us more than we can imagine and is looking forward to helping us if and when we ask. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings.


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