Sunday, September 2, 2018

Who Are You Hanging Out With

There is a law of conformity that says you become who you hang out with. If you hang out with six energetic, go-getting, motivated, happy folks, you are going to become the seventh. However if you hang out with folks that talk bad about others, are lazy, drink, swear, and are generally negative, you will become who they are. Below are siblings and cousins Jackson, Jayden, Zack, Hazel, Malaki, and Harris, hanging out together on Mondays at Grandma's house.
Make it a goal to hang out with folks that have a great attitude, a positive disposition, folks that keep you on the top of your game, folks that aren't afraid of new ideas and are willing to step out and try.
As far as stepping out and trying, live with no regrets. God has made you with abilities and possibilities. In my mind it's far better to live with the mistakes you've made trying than to die with regrets of having never tried.
How do folks like hanging out with you? Are you a getter-upper or a putter-downer? Let me share some goals I'm working on. 1. Don't be too busy for folks. Busy is a matter of priorities. Be there for their struggles and be genuinely happy for them when they succeed.. 2. Remember people are more important than things. Be generous and don't keep score. 3. Be up front and honest. No excuses. Keep your emotions in check and be someone folks know they can hang out with during a storm. 4. Don't be late. You folks who visit us in the office know our clock is 10 minutes fast. Other's time is just as important as yours.
We are harvesting as hard as time and rain will allow. More on crops and weather next week. Thanks for the picture Kurt.
Jan is starting year 20 of working part time in the kitchen at PCHS. Tuesday she was blessed to hang out with good company. As she subbed for a friend, Cody and Ethan coincidentally came in from study hall to help serve not even knowing it would be Grandma they were helping.
Wednesday evening we hung out with Sydnie as she celebrated her first birthday. Her parents are Karl and Kristin and her brother is Malaki. Also this week I forgot to wish BJ and Cassia Happy Anniversary. Sorry kids. There are 34 birthdays and 7 anniversaries in our immediate family in a year and I miss more than I should. 
Tuesday our help, Alex, Andy, and Kasey hung out together at the Farm Progress Show. Thanks for the picture guys. It rained hard there and they got sent home early.
Jan and I were privileged to hang out with good company the last three days of this past week. We took some time off with Jan's sister Donna and her husband Arlin. Folks get Jan and Donna mixed up all the time. They don't mind. Thanks so much Donna and Arlin. It's been a short but great trip.
We headed southeast and stopped at the quilt capital of the world, Paducah, Kentucky. The girls thought the National Quilt Museum was more of an art gallery than quilt show. The museum was full of quilts for artistic display only. Jan and Donna build quilts for bed spreads, table cloths, and their families to cuddle up in.
However we couldn't leave town without shopping at the local stores and bringing home material for new projects. :)
Then we headed for Williamstown, Kentucky to see The Ark Encounter. It's truly a worthwhile visit of a to scale replica of the ark God told Noah to build 4000 years ago. I thank landlords and friends, Marvin and Jean, for sharing their season tickets with us. They spent time in the past volunteering here and helping sponsor this project.
The three floors on the inside show and tell how it could have been possible to hang out with and take care of all the pairs of animals God told Noah and his family to save from the great flood.
Then there was the big door that God closed. Noah and his family spent 120 years building and warning others of the impending judgment coming on a corrupt world. Of course once the door was shut and it started raining it was too late. 
We hung out with cousins and family and celebrated a fellow cousin, Dick's life, at his funeral in Pella. Duane and Dave shared memories and what their father meant to them as he hung out with them and others over his lifetime. Also my sympathies to a couple of our blog family, Jayne and Sandy and their family, who lost their mother earlier this past week.

Last Sunday we had a number of folks who were baptized and joined church. It was a good day. Adam chose to be immersed for his baptism. What an awesome experience for our church. Look at all the kids in front watching. Congratulations to Adam, Sam, Brynlee, Duke, Grant, Timothy, Brennan, Jenny, and Adam.
 So we finish with the law of averages. 10 out of 10 folks don't stay on this earth forever. We will all pass away sooner or maybe later and meet our Lord and Creator. None of us are good enough to get in to heaven without Christ's help. See the shadow of the cross I'm looking at. Make sure you're ready before the door closes. Thanks for visiting. Let's hang out next week again.

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