Sunday, August 26, 2018

Beware Or Be Aware

"Ware" means careful or look out for. My definition of beware means careful for self and be aware means careful for others thinking past the facts about the little things you can do to brighten folk's day.
We have been harvesting corn. The April 6 planted 105 day hybrids were testing around 23% moisture delivered to Eddyville. The mid maturing hybrids are testing around 26% moisture. 
Yields will be moderately variable this year in the dry areas based on soil type. Field averages on our hill ground south of Oskaloosa is around 175 bpa. Our better soil types on flat ground are considerably better than that. So far 2018 has been a good year to have the crop contracted ahead of harvest.
John is in 7th grade this year. He stopped by one evening so after supper he and I went out and combined a grain cart full of corn so he could experience getting the right corn head snouts down the right corn rows.
I am a firm believer in being aware of nudges and opportunities. After supper one evening I had an urge to mow road ditches and mowed late. The next day I received a call that a landlord and his daughter from California went for an impromptu ride to look at the farm and called to say he appreciated how neat and trimmed up it looked.
Yesterday Mike spent his birthday hauling in loads of silage. BJ chopped some later corn for his landlord Scott. BJ, Matt, Kurt, and Scott are in a discussion by Nathanial and Caleb's silage bagger.
Kurt and Kasey drove to Blue Earth, MN to pick up a manure tanker we purchased on an on-line auction. I got this picture of them coming by the football game Friday evening in Pella Christian's win vs. Oskaloosa. 
Yesterday Jackson and Jayden were in Daniel and Christina's wedding. Thanks for a great picture Emily.
Gideon and Kasey rode bulls in the rodeo at Oskaloosa last evening. Thanks for the picture either Cassia or Ki of Gideon, Ethan, and John.
Last Sunday evening 3rd Ref. church in Pella had a service for families and kids to pray together about the upcoming school year. Then all the schools in Pella were open and hosted so folks could come and pray in the classrooms of their kids and grandkids.
We made some new friends. This Hungarian family left Europe for the first time in their lives to attend their daughter Christina's wedding here in our country. Christina has been a foreign exchange student who attended PCHS and Dordt College. She lived with Emily's parents, Jon and Glenda in Pella.
These fellows farm in Ukraine near the Hungarian border. They showed us some of their operation and machinery on You Tube. Both the father and the son-in-law spent a day on our farm helping harvest. We had a great time and became good friends in spite of the fact that they don't speak a word of English. We used a lot of signals and hand motions to communicate.
Jan and I were privileged to join them at Jon and Glenda's home for a Hungarian meal cooked by Christina's mother and sister. We enjoyed both the food and the fellowship.
I'm not much of a chef or cook so this explanation might be a little elementary. Homemade noodles, cooked grain, mushroom gravy, homemade egg roll with something in the middle, homemade bread with cheese baked on top, and a cinnamon topped pastry with a plum in it. Delicious.
I've been to a number of hospital visits lately. I think we need to stay aware of the fact that when we visit we are going for the patient, not ourselves. Don't stay too long. Folks in the hospital usually don't feel all that well. Don't make excuses for coming like, I was in town already. Let them know you care and this visit is about them. After a short stay ask the person your visiting if they would be ok with a prayer for recovery or maybe even a miracle for those seriously ill or hurt.
We also have a number of folks who have lost loved ones this week. There are funerals for Dick, Kathryn, Marion, and Linda. A cousin, a friend, and two previous landlords. While here on earth we are constantly aware of sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings, sensations, obligations, and relationships. We also need to be aware of the fact that no one lives here forever. No matter what your crop is, hang on loosely and be aware that people are more important than things the short time we're here.

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