Thursday, February 5, 2015

What's On Your List

Since I'm not sure about internet possibilities on Sunday I thought I would just touch base with you this evening.
 "Hey Dad, can I go out and help you with your work rather than making work for Mom in the house?"
 We make lists at our house. Most of the time it helps get things done. Sometimes it's a goal so we can take some time off.
 Several of us took some time off and went to the Power Farming Show. Along with seeing all the latest equipment we ran into an old friend. Dennis is the executive director of Fellowship of Christian Farmers.
 Also on my list this week was visiting an inner city Christian school. The students are 85% minorities and a majority of the tuition is subsidized.
 This school starts with an hour chapel of memorizing scripture. The children's guardians sign a contract that they will be involved in their child's education. Many classes have a waiting lists to attend.
 Del is the author of The Truth Project. He was at the capital this week.
 He shared how it's our responsibility to be engaged in our culture. He talked about how scripture talks about delegating authority and equipping folks for service. He also shared how our government is trying to do the opposite by consolidating authority and creating dependency.
 This past Tuesday everyone serving in the Iowa legislature was presented with a Founder's Bible with their name on it. Most were prayed with on an individual basis. It was a good day at the capital.
 So what's on your family's list this year? My prayer is that we can provide for our families, enjoy friendships, serve where there are needs, reflect God's light in a dark world, and take some time to enjoy and appreciate each other.

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