Sunday, March 9, 2014

What Does "ST" Mean

Many years ago in a small farming village there lived two teenage boys.
 One day these boys decided to steal a few sheep and sell them.
 They thought it would be an easy way to make some money. However they got caught.
 The village elders branded their foreheads with the letters "ST" in order to make them an example to others.
This was to be a visible reminder of their wrongdoing and forever warn others that they were in the presence of a "Sheep Thief".
 One of the boys became bitter. He made wrong choices. His life spiraled downward. And he soon died a lonely man.
 The other young man was sorry for what he had done. He asked for forgiveness. He proceeded to live a life of integrity and trust. He helped and cared for others. He became very well respected in his small village.
 Many years later that same now elderly man passed a father and son along the road.
 The son asked his father why the old man had the letters "ST" on his forehead.
The father thought for a moment and then replied, someone explained that to me a long time ago but I just can't remember.
 But knowing the man that he is, I'm guessing it stands for "Saint".
 In God's eyes we were like those sheep thieves. That's "Sin". As we enter into this Lenten season we remember how He paid for our wrongs and has or wants to transform us. That's "Salvation". Out of gratitude we live a life of integrity, trust, gratefulness, and compassion. That's "Service".
 Our quiet example can speak so much louder than quoting what we believe in words. That's "Saint" because of Christ.
 No matter what our past, our Creator can cleanse us and put us on a path of great value.
So what does "DST" mean? Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget.

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