Mark Twain once said not to let school get in the way of education. Don't worry. I realize school is important.
I do feel however that school is just one aspect of education. Taking the time to have kids help you affirms them and lets them know they're loved.
Giving kids jobs builds charecter, teaches them to see and tackle work, and prepares them to be a problem solver later in life.
When kids watch their parents tackle situations it expands their world. This heifer was too small to deliver her large bull calf. Dr. Tom had to come and do a C-section. Both the mom and calf are doing well.
The frost is rotten enough to start plowing in tile. Gideon is his Dad's tile stringer and John practices digging in set ins.
We did seed just a few field borders and a patch of alfalfa.
Mike finished the dirt work on the coal mine project and has moved to building terraces.
Kids nowdays are totally comfortable running computers and other technology. Ethan, Cody, and John are on grandpa's computer. I don't think they are doing homework. :)
So often living rapid lives makes it easy to get off course. Working together and caring about each other is a blessing. When children work with, learn to respect, and learn to love their earthly father, it gives them a perspective on how to love their Heavenly Father.
We are not just to love our Heavenly Father with our head and our mouth but with our heart and our gut. Even so sometimes our gut really hurts. That's when we have to hang on to the promises we learned as kids.
This is my cousin Glenda's family. She and her husband Don and their family celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary just 4 weeks ago. Last Thursday evening they said good-bye to a husband, father, and grandfather as God took Don to heaven after a short bout with cancer.
Our families are not our own. Our families are given to us on loan from God. Sometimes it takes a hurting gut to realize that. Praying for all of you experiencing that ache.
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