Sunday, July 7, 2013

Living Intentionally

Good morning. Spring is finally behind us. The crops are growing. Most of the first cutting hay and grass has been baled. One more week and the sprayers will be caught up.
We were made to have structure in our lives. Whether on the job or on vacation we need to know where we are going. We are the most productive and feel the best about ourselves when we have a direction, a goal, and a plan of action. That's living intentionally.
Sometimes we go places and do things and then when we get there we wonder to ourselves, now why was I wanting to be here or do this?
Whether we set them for ourselves or have them set for us we feel safer when we have boundaries. That doesn't mean we don't venture out and take risk. It just means heading out to the deep end without a lifejacket can be dangerous. In farming we call it managing our risk. That's living intentionally.
Thirty five years ago I used to plant a crop and hoped it grew. I used to harvest it and put it in a bin and hoped it didn't spoil. Then when I needed the money or needed the bin I'd sell and hoped there was enough to pay the bills. Then during the 1980's we went through a time when the inputs were higher than the outputs and I was out in the deep end without a lifejacket and without a plan.
Lessons learned from experience aren't easily forgotten. That's why today I'm such a stickler for making a plan, being timely when planting and harvesting, and usually having the crop sold ahead of harvest if there is a profitable opportunity.
I accidentally smashed my phone which is what I now use to take pictures. So the following pictures I'm using were taken this spring. They are just a collection of county courthouses that I photographed. Each picture has it's own story however I won't bore you with those details. Below is our Iowa capital building in Des Moines. 
The following courthouses in order are Albia, Independence, Knoxville, Lancaster MO, Memphis MO, Montezuma, Ottumwa, and of course Oskaloosa.
This past week our country celebrated it's 237th birthday. We are blessed to live in the greatest country on earth.
Our founding fathers were very intentional about forming a government that was for the people and not a people for the government.
They were also very intentional about establishing a country that would be, "One nation under God". God's provision and blessing on us is what makes our country such a great place to live.
Many of our countries leaders today however are doing everything in their power to try and replace God with government.
And sadly enough we are starting to reach a majority of people living here that are willing to trade their freedom for a government that will take care of their every need.
I was interviewed by a reporter last week who wanted to know what I thought of doing away with farm subsidies. I told him I would encourage it. I also reminded him that the cost of the current farm program is 80% food stamps. That has doubled since 2008 and now 1 out of every 7 folks living here has their government feeding them.
We need to live intentional when it comes to knowing "our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth" including America. We are still a blessed bunch of folks. Lets not lose that.
My friend Bob sent me this YouTube video as a 4th of July greeting. If you have an extra four minutes listen to it. It reminds all of us how much we need to be intentional in acknowledging God as Americans and how far we have gotten away from Him in the last 30 years.

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