Sunday, December 23, 2012

How Can This Be

This past week our country has been dealing with the aftermath of the school shooting. What  grief those families must be experiencing this Christmas season at the senseless death of their children. Many have asked, How could such a thing happen and where was God in all this? Although I'm not going to tackle a doctrinal answer to this question I agree with Mr. Huckabee and fine it ironic that as a culture we have been trying to get God out of our public schools and other public places for many years now.
Last Tuesday evening all the grownups in our family went out for supper together to celebrate Jan's birthday. Thanks Taylor and Taylor for babysitting all those kids.
 After our birthday outing we came to the cabin for cake. Happy Birthday Jan and thanks for everything. Fifty something doesn't seem all that old anymore.
Last evening we had our family Christmas.
As usual there was lots of wonderful food.
 There were also lots of presents to unwrap.
Of course the evening wouldn't be complete without a picture of everyone in their new pajamas. I couldn't have imagined or even dreamed about all my blessings. Thank you family for all your gifts and not just the ones last evening under the tree.
We have had our share of, wow that was close, calls this year. Three broken arms healed, a knee was successfully repaired, and guardian angels spared lives more than once. Thank you God for your grace. Grace is undeserved favor.
When Mary was expecting the baby Jesus she asked the angel, "How can this be?" God used a teenage girl in an obscure little town that delivered in a barn to bring the Son of God as our Savior. Thank you God for your gift.
Someday soon Christ is coming back again. To those that accepted God's gift at Christmas, His Son, He will say, "Well done, when I was hungry or sick or in prison or needed clothes you helped me." And those folks will ask, "How can this be and when did we see you?" And Christ will answer, "When you were helping the least of these my brothers, you were helping me." Thank you God for your gift of eternal life.

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