Two weeks ago this morning Jan and I left for a week of rest and relaxation. We went to Grand Cayman Island just south of Cuba and stayed at the London House with other farm couples.
One week ago this morning we attended and worshipped at Sunrise Community Church near Georgetown in Cayman. They are a group of around 300 and meet in a prep high school. After church, coffee, and fellowship we drove along the ocean. Around 15 miles out of town we stopped by a young man waiting along the highway. He said he was waiting for a bus which was quite unpredictable on Sundays. So Jan and I took him back to town to his job at Burger King. Our new friend is Lorenzo.
This past Monday as we were returning home and landing in Indianapolis we flew over the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Upon landing all my messages loaded on my phone. One was Kristin had made cinnamon rolls and Karl was hoping for some help getting his hog shed ready for new pigs first thing Tuesday morning.
Kudos to Dean, Jim, Alex, and Kasey for helping us prepare the shed for early weaners and cold weather.
The guys have also been hauling grain. Our winter temps have been up and down ranging from 0 to 40 degrees. The snow events this month have all gone south of us. Thanks for the picture Kasey.
Most of our time is spent in the shop getting machinery ready for spring. In the picture below Dean and Kasey worked on a chisel that had broken in the field. Thanks for the picture Kasey.
About this time 66 years ago I welcomed home my new brother and sister. Donna and Daniel were new year twins and had a 2 week extended stay in the local hospital. One Sunday morning while in the hospital Daniel got mucus over his nose and mouth. By the time the nurse found him he had turned black from lack of oxygen. The doctor told my parents the incident resulted in brain damage and their son may not live.
But live he did and "Danny" became an important part of our family. He was diagnosed as being "mentally retarded". A term not used today because of negative connotations. He was usually always happy and friendly. He loved people. He grew up with an unbelievable memory. He was very strong. His mental ability reached to about the age of a 11 year old. He got a drivers license. He was the character building part of our family that we still benefit from today.
However Dan wasn't just a benefit to our family, but an asset to church, school, and community as well. He attended school and workshop at Christian Opportunity Center in Pella. I drove COC bus my junior and senior years of high school. My "unsung heroes" this morning are the other "special needs" kids in our communities Dan grew up with and had just a big an impact on their families and communities as well. The folks I remember off the top of my head were Marsha, Missy, Joyce, Connie, Bobbie, Herbie, Laureldene, Troy, and Shelly. I apologize if not remembering everyone.
Some handicap folks don't always age well. Dan spent a number of stays in the hospital in his later life with pneumonia and reflux. He passed away in early 2013. His favorite line was "You bet!" when agreeing with someone.
Two thoughts this morning: Thanks to all family, church, school, and community folks that considered Dan and others like him as their friend. "And the King will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of theses my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me". Matthew 25:40
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