Sunday, September 1, 2024

First Things First

In my younger years Labor Day was the big family get-together on my Father's side of the family. With Grandpa and Grandma having ten kids, it was a big deal. Food, games, softball, pop, and more cousins than I could count.

We have a significant number of corn acres getting close to harvest. Kernels are black layering meaning they have reached maturity. Grain moisture will drop about a point/day on a good drying day. However first things first. We are finishing up some preparations and other tasks. 

Mike, Mark, BJ, Ethan, and others finished loading and hauling clay to the yard we helped expand. I leveled and packed with a dozer as the last of the 272 loads were unloaded.

Mike is nearly finished with his last pond of the summer. He is always early to the farm shop office. Often before me to make coffee. He parks his dozer a few hours every day this time of year to coach football. 

With school taking first priority now the grandkids are down to helping Grandpa on Saturdays.

Sometimes we are tempted to look around at others to determine our own value. And ask the question, Am I enough? We forget God first made us who we are, for a purpose, and our identity needs to be in Him. No, we're not enough on our own. However with God's help and knowing our purpose we can make things happen.

By noon yesterday the Oskaloosa square was literally full of lawn chairs. Saving spots for the Concert On The Square last evening. I'm guessing around 10,000 folks attended. Folks from every walk of life were there. What a reminder to know that God loves each and every person here on earth equally. And what a blessing that in the middle of the town square we can sing songs about Jesus Christ. I hope we don't lose this freedom.

Michael grew up in small town Indiana. He and his wife Leah started a band just after high school. Today his band is called Cochren + Co. One of his many songs says, "Saturday night looked like the end of the story. But thank God for Sunday mornings". Thanks Gracie.
Caleb, Jordan, and Joshua grew up in the south where their parents pastored. At 13 years old Caleb asked his father if they could be home schooled so they could tour as brothers. Their band is called Consumed By Fire. They came on just a 2 day notice when Ben Fuller got sick. They currently live in Oklahoma. What an enjoyable group of brothers to get to know. Thanks Adi and Natalie. 
First things first means focusing on what truly matters. Where can we have the most significant impact? Do we prioritize our actions and choices proactively? Or do we just react to all the noise? Am I someone folks can depend on? The photo below shows Emily and Lane at the 5th quarter praise and worship after the PCHS football game Friday evening. Thanks for the picture Kurt and Emily.

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