Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Good Name

A good name is more than just a label or a brand. It reflects values, character, and reputation. It takes action and not just intention. A good name means living in a way that earns the trust of others.


3000 years ago Solomon wrote in Proverbs 22:1 "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than wealth". This was written by a man who had more riches and wealth than anyone in his time.  
This was our 4th full week of harvest. We have been busy combining both corn and soybeans. And going to the bin as well as the processor. Yields, moisture, and quality continue to be excellent.

Kristin and family rode with Karl while harvesting beans on a rented farm near their home. What a blessing to have an occupation where family is included. Thanks for the picture.

On Wednesday afternoon Ezra got out of school at noon, and he and I were able to finish up a soybean field on the Long farm while the other combines and crew moved on to the next project. I am definitely blessed to be able to work with my grandkids. 

At 3am on Thursday morning Jan and I headed for the airport and flew to southern California. Life on the west coast is different than southern Iowa. We rented and drove a Range Rover. With $4.80/gallon gas. On a 12 lane highway. At Walmart we visited with a 60 year old employee making $17/hour, and living in a 3 million dollar home. We visited the ocean beach, and watched a couple of dozen kids surfing the waves.

We were invited by Joel and Lynn to a Joshua Fund charity event in Carlsbad, CA. Joel is an American-Israeli best selling author writing 16 novels about Middle Eastern terrorism. The Joshua fund is a charitable organization working in Israel and surrounding countries to support and help advance evangelistic efforts, spread the gospel, and help individuals and families in need.  

We enjoyed worship together. Our music was led by musical artist Aaron Shust. We heard stories and updates on Israel's multiple conflicts. We prayed together for Israel's protection and wisdom. The Christian community was thanked for their help and concern. As Israel often feels the world is against them.

On Saturday afternoon we met up with Pastor Dale and Renee who now live in Escondido, CA. They pastored our church from 2006 to 2016. Their daughters are married and they have two grandchildren.

Wrapping up, a good name is not possible on our own. We were born sinful and inadequate. Trying to be good and spiritual isn't enough. What good we have is by God's grace. Having said that, a good name makes a difference in our purpose in life. Both in how others perceive it, and the one that bears it.

You don't need to be SOMEONE or SOMETHING to have a good name. God needs humble, simple, and sincere. And He calls us to love the least, the last, and the lost. When Christ rode into Jerusalem the week before He died for our wrongs, He didn't come as a king on a horse. He came as a servant on a donkey. And when we leave this earth as we all will, we look forward to hearing our name followed by, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Even as you have served the least of these, you have served Me". 

1 comment:

Harrison Kamanga said...

Thanks Steve for your inspiring thoughts on this subject on a good name. We need this today just like in the days of Solomon and the early church. Thus reminds me what an Apostle John wrote actually a tribute of wonderful living brother or a saint then not after he died but when still alive. In these days we like to write about how good a person was after he died. It might not be true in your context but in African context that's what we hear at the funeral service.
'Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself. We also add our testimony, and you know that our testimony is true'
3 John 1:12. All in all God bless you Steve. Travel well back to Iowa.