Saturday, July 27, 2024


Early Tuesday morning Jan and I headed for Lancaster County Pennsylvania. The eastern American landscape is town, forest, and farmland all stirred together.

The present and past all run together in equal amounts when it comes to commuting in eastern Pennsylvania. Amish buggies as well as English vehicles are everywhere. And the roads go from country blacktops to eight lane freeways in the same county. When we drove east to Maryland, Virginia, and DC, less than one in a hundred cars were American companies like Chevy, Ford, and Dodge.
When getting away from home I often work on my goal to do more listening. Listening takes patience. Meaning not just waiting to talk. Listening takes persistence. Meaning discerning and caring. And listening takes process. Meaning asking questions. Thanks for the picture Jan.
We attended the play, Daniel, at the Sight and Sound Theater, in Lancaster, PA. It was totally sold out for the month of July. However we drove in and they found two single seats in the 2000 seat auditorium. Thanks for the picture Jan. We had to sit separately.
Many of you locally know we farm on the north edge of Ottumwa where our family's billboard sits. We went to see Wilson and Carolyn who own that farm. This is their 250 year old home built from stone. It has a matching barn and the walls are 12 inches thick.
Wilson and his son-in-law Dan, took us to Philadelphia, just 30 miles away from their farm in Pennsylvania. We visited Valley Forge, Independence Hall, and the Liberty Bell. While walking the streets of the city, a local folk came up to me and said I was the only person in Philly he had ever seen in cowboy boots. I took that as a compliment.😊 Wilson and Carolyn also treated us to supper that evening.
The following day we hung around Lancaster County including the towns of Strasburg, Intercourse, Bird In The Hand, Ronks, Gordonville, and Paradise. This community has more fabric shops and quilt stores than we could possibly all visit. We also visited their local markets. We also met and visited with local businessmen who are often either Amish or Mennonite.
Our most favorite was Stoltzfus Meat Market. The owners, Myron and Sally have mutual friends with Jan and I. Our mutual friends are are Rick and Karen. Rick ran for president in 2012 and 2016. Their family stayed at our home while campaigning in Iowa back then. If you want some of the best meats and cheeses (a combination of 50 years of Amish tradition) in the country check out the Stoltzfus's website. We look forward to them visiting Iowa.
That evening we went to New Holland, PA and ate at the Shady Maple Buffet. It is recognized as one of the best buffets in the country. We arrived at 5pm and waited with 250 others in line to eat. The business seats 1200 people. It feeds as many as 7000 folks/day. It is Pennsylvania Dutch cooking. It is Mennonite owned. It's value statement reads, Faith, Truth, Integrity, Initiative, Compassion, and Authenticity. The double line buffet table is 300 feet long. I stepped it off. After eating and visiting the gift store we left around 7pm.
Yesterday we drove to Great Falls, Virginia. We were able to catch up and have lunch with our good friends, Rick and Karen, at their home. Five of their seven children are now married and they have eight grandkids.
We've stayed at the same motel in Strasburg, PA all week. They have a bench overlooking the countryside where I had my devotions early each morning. When i personally pray i usually do all the talking. Praising, thanking, sharing, and asking. I usually don't take the time to listen. That's right. We are to listen to God as well. No, He doesn't speak. It would be really scary if He did, like Bible times. But when we take the time, He puts thoughts in our hearts, and words in our minds.
One morning as i was a touch down, and listening, a song came to mind. And since i was alone and 1000 miles from home, i sang it out loud. "I love you Lord. And I lift my voice, to worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what You hear. May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear". Yes God listens. And answers what's best for our good and purpose.

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