Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Great

Last Monday morning shortly after 3am our oldest grandson Gideon and his wife Emily welcomed Oakley Mae to their family. They live on the old home Ferguson farm where Jan grew up. Thanks for the picture.

Earlier in the pregnancy I was teasing our son BJ about being a Grandpa in his 40s. He asked back. "Well, what does that make you Dad?" Now I'm telling you, I had to think about that. Thanks for the picture.
Last Sunday we celebrated Oakley's Uncle John's senior graduation party in BJ and Cassia's shop. John has been busy haying and shooting trap where he was 2nd in the state.
Mike spent the week in Canada fishing with his friend Tracy, Tracy's son, Tracy's father Mel, and Jan's brother Paul. Thanks for the picture.
We got the little square wire tie baler out this past week to bale some grass hay. That brought back memories from when we used to bale all small square bales.

Natalie, a 7th grader, and Adi, a 9th grader, Oakley's aunts, helped their older brother John pick up bales. With examples and helpers like that, I think little Oakley Mae will have great teachers. Thanks for the picture John.

There is a small area where we live that has been a touch dry, as you can see by the fence row and pasture. Our crops look exceptional. We received just over a half inch of rain this past week. Many other areas in our community received from 3 to 6 inches.

Just two weekends ago we were in NW Iowa with grandkids for Risefest. Thursday evening we visited with friends, Dave and Gina, from Sheldon, at our Family Leader board meeting, about how wet it's been up there recently.
Then we heard early Saturday morning about huge amounts of rain and unprecedented flooding, with several towns including Rock Valley and Spencer being evacuated. Our thoughts and prayers are with our friends up there for a devastating and destructive event.  Thanks for the picture Suzanne.

During my childhood I changed schools 5 times. At the time it wasn't much fun. However because of that, I know a ton of folks. While we were at Risefest my 9th and 10 grade classmates had their 50 year class reunion at North Mahaska in New Sharon. Thanks for the picture Cheri.
My 11th and 12th grade classmates also had their class reunion at Pella Christian High. I wished I could have attended both. Thanks for the picture LeAnn.
This week's stories remind me of a song. I can write the lyrics from memory: "Oh Lord my God. When I in awesome wonder. Consider all, the worlds Thy hands have made. I see the stars. I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee. How GREAT Thou art."
I'm not sure what the future holds. I'm turning 68 years old tomorrow. I've seen a lot of life. The weather, the wars and rumor of wars, and our deprived society and evil culture suggest we are in changing times. But I have courage in, I know Who holds the future. Oakley Mae is going to be alright.
So I've thought about it. And I think it's going to be GREAT being a GREAT-Grandparent. Blessings.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Steve and congratulations on the new baby

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Steve!!