Sunday, April 28, 2024

Unlikely Outcomes

We have had two planting window opportunities so far this spring. The first was six days the second week of April. The second was four days this past week. In that ten day period, according to our seed shed, and observing fields, I would estimate our community has about 80% of the corn, and 60% of the soybeans planted. An unlikely outcome for such a short planting window so far.

Temperatures have been warm enough for both corn and beans to emerge in about two weeks. We are keeping up with spraying, however it's been a battle with all the windy days.
This past week the soil was warm enough to no-till. BJ is no-till planting on some burned down rye cover crop. Burned down means it's been sprayed and has died.
The forecast was promising a four day planting window Monday-Thursday this past week. More farmers than I can remember in our area worked day and night to make good use of this window. It started raining 5:30 Friday morning.
Friday afternoon storms came through just north of us. Saturday morning Karl loaded up his brother Mark's trackhoe and he and his family headed to Cory and Leah's northwest of Sully to clean up, burn, and bury destroyed buildings and storm damage. BJ also loaned out his skidloader and grapple bucket so Seth and Jenny could help clean up near Monroe. Thanks for the picture.
Congratulations to our helper Kasey and Sydnie who are now a family of four. Lane Dutton was born Wednesday morning. Although we often don't realize it when we are young, children are one of God's greatest blessings. Our Lord looks forward to not only helping raise them, but also providing the financial resources it takes for a larger family. Thanks for the picture.
Mike and Suzanne left on a wet Friday afternoon to visit northwest Iowa. One of their son Cody's three jobs while attending Dordt University is being a waiter. Thanks for the picture.
Although I don't go as often as I should to our grandkids sporting events, I enjoy the fact that they are involved. And I think it's extra cool when granddaughters are on the shooting team. Kudos to Adi! Adi and her cousin Anton are also graduating from Oskaloosa Christian 8th grade this spring. Thanks for the picture.
35 years ago while I was planting corn along Hwy 92 just east of Oskaloosa on a field that is now Otter Hills, Jan called on the 2-way and said it was time to go to the Ottumwa hospital. That night we were blessed with twin boys while under a weather storm warning. Kurt and Karl now both have families of their own. Early Friday morning I was able to wish Kurt a Happy Birthday just after midnight since we were working together planting corn for Mark and Trisha near Sigourney.
On Friday evening the Oskaloosa Christian preschool-4th grade kids did a musical play called Danny and the Shacks. Two stories about positive unlikely outcomes for listening to and obeying God. The first was about a fiery furnace, and the second, a lion's den. Kudos to Cheryl and helpers for an amazing job.
During my morning devotions I came across a story in Judges 7 about a man named Gideon. Israel had turned their back against God and were suffering the consequences from the Midianites. When Israel cried out for help an angel of God approached Gideon. Although Gideon didn't feel qualified, and was full of excuses, God assured him of help. He and 300 men had an unlikely outcome when they surprised the Midianite army at night and defeated tens of thousands with torches and trumpets. Because of Gideon's obedience God postponed Israel's punishment for years.
As a country America has turned it's back on God. The warnings in the Bible, and the outcomes of other disobedient countries, makes our future fairly likely. So what can we as ordinary unqualified folks do?
Below is my brother Doug's good looking rig, an MX340 CIH tractor on a 24 row bulk fill John Deere planter.
Our thoughts determine our attitudes. Our attitudes determine our actions. Our actions determine our character. And our character determines our relationships. Relationships is the foundation for families, friendships, and businesses.
Good leaders, Christians, and citizens of this country are trying to soften and compromise our conservative values. In order to try and fit in a disobedient culture. That's not how it works. There are so many good folks in this country. With God's help we need to have the courage to stand for God, our Creator and Provider. It starts with our thoughts for a positive outcome. Blessings.

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