Sunday, April 7, 2024

Communication And Guidance

Last week we worked on tuning up our technology. The globes on top of the equipment are called satellite receivers. They communicate with satellites in the sky.  Planter technology auto steers the tractor without the need for planter markers. It changes seed population on the go, planting less seed on the tougher hills. And bumping the population up on good black dirt based off of prescriptions that Karl writes for our fields. It also shuts off the seed within 2 inches of coming up on end rows.

Sprayers also use technology to auto steer eliminating using foam for markers. It also doesn't allow already sprayed areas from doubling up on chemicals. Technology controls the product pump by monitoring speed. New technology controls individual sprayer nozzles allowing the satellites to automatically shut of for waterways, terraces, and field borders. 
Dirtwork equipment also communicates with satellites. When Mike builds a terrace he writes a file and enters that into the dozer's technology. This keeps the terrace level across the top. He also sets the slope. Like a three to one for a narrow base which is seeded on both slopes. And a six to one for a broad base where you farm right over the terrace.

Where farming equipment technology is accurate within inches, dirtwork equipment needs to be accurate within tenths of an inch. Many times BJ will tile across a level piece of land where the tile's grade is one half of a percent. Or Mike might level a building site that needs to be perfect. So a base station is used for guidance. Instead of one straight line from a satellite to a receiver, a base station adds another line creating a triangle between the satellite, base station, and piece of equipment. Allowing accuracy to a tenth of an inch. Thanks for the picture Mike.
Our crew worked on semis during the wet weather. There is always a list of things to fix on a truck.
BJ and son John worked on their mower conditioner. Getting it ready for the hay season.
Lane is in preschool. And many times on his days off he comes with his Dad, Kurt. He asked if he could wash his bike.
When children spend time with, communicate, and get guidance from their father, it's invaluable. It's something our country as a whole is losing today. Thanks for the picture Morgan of Collin and Stella.

In 2013 Betty and her husband Dick were sued and had their venue shut down for not allowing a same sex wedding ceremony. Last Tuesday evening Betty was able to watch Governor Kim sign a Religious Freedom Restoration Act at a supper we attended in Des Moines. RFRA was a bill passed that will prevent state and local governments from infringing on Iowans religious freedoms.
On Friday and Saturday we scrubbed our shop across the road getting ready for our granddaughter Rachel and Carson's wedding this coming Friday evening. Rachel wanted a farm wedding. Stay tuned.

I borrowed my ideas this morning on satellites and base stations from an analogy Mike used for his deacon devotions awhile back. In our lives things work out for our good when we communicate (pray) and take instructions (God's will) from our Lord in heaven.
God's word, the Bible, is our base station when we need guidance on a more particular issue. God, the Bible, and us, His children down here on earth, create a triangle that zeros us in on His purpose for our lives.

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