Sunday, February 18, 2024


It's mid February. It takes courage not to get caught up in the doldrums of winter. Brynn is taking care of her little brother Tatum.

This is the time of year we need to work at continuing to improve. The equipment. The process. The people. The timing. The planning. A good plan now is better than a perfect plan later.
On Wednesday morning our family hosted a Becks PFR planter clinic. After a breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausages, cinnamon rolls, and coffee, Clayton went over maintenance, repairs, and settings on JD, Kinze, and CIH planters.
Kudos to Luke and his crew for helping us get some lime spread.
Mike continues to build terraces in-spite of a little winter weather coming back this week. Thanks for the picture Mike.
BJ and John put in some long days continuing to pattern tile. north of Ottumwa. Thanks for the picture BJ.
Karl continues to haul in seed. Our seed shed is full. Before you know it we will be delivering to the customer.
Kurt used a grain vac to vac out a bin of soybeans. The unload auger had broke. Thanks for the picture Kurt.
Ezra and Elijah help Grandpa on Saturdays. Including washing up vehicles.
Mike often goes all out when cooking for our church potlucks in the winter months. He often smokes meat after just the right amount of seasonings. Thanks for the picture Mike.
Courage is the power of principle. Courage is hope filled and has a positive attitude. Courage encourages others. A long time ago Moses sent out 12 spies to check out this country. Joshua and Caleb came back and said that with God's help we can do this. They talked about all the productivity in the land. But the other 10 spies said the people there were giants and made them look like grasshoppers. And convinced folks it couldn't be done. Fear and lack of courage stopped the Israelites from living in their promised land for many years. Courage is believing God can help us do it.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful ! 💗 Leah

Jesse Steffensmeier said...

Happy Sunday. Thank you Steve, I enjoy your updates and your message. Courage and God, I needed that this morning.

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Jesse. Hope your healing fast. Blessings to you and your family.