Sunday, August 7, 2022

Life Does Not Wait

When I was a kid some years ago I used to help clean this barn east of Lacey with a pitch fork. Later as a teenager we had an IHC 706 with a Westendorf loader. We would take off the muffler and the steering wheel would hit the top of the door as we ducked to get inside for every bucket of manure.

Two generations later we now have grandkids that same age helping. This 60 year span in many ways has flown by. Time does not wait traveling on the road of life.
On Wednesday of this past week we had a couple day reprieve in our hot dry summer with a rain shower. Our creeks are dry and our rivers are low.
The US drought monitor shows about 30% of Iowa is in moderate drought. Typically August has more chances for rain so we hope and pray for showers of blessings.
When the crops are stressed the insects come. We spent some time this week spraying additional soybeans.
BJ finishes buffalo in his feedlot. When not bothered they are generally docile. However they hate being crowded making loading a challenge. Monday a shared semi load between three neighbors headed to the packing house in Pierce, Colorado.
CRP ground in southern Iowa can grow up to brush and trees if not occasionally mowed. Big John helped us mow some custom acres east of Eddyville. Thanks for the picture John.
Rudy's crew helped BJ with a cement project this week. It was a hot job. Thanks for the picture.
Dean and BJ tackled some oil leaks on our New Idea chopper. They removed the chopper from the power unit. Corn chopping will sneak up on us in our part of the state as the corn is dying early on poor soils.
A month ago this was a deep ugly ditch. Mike and BJ worked with their dozers to continue to improve the land we are blessed to farm.
Our annual Appreciation Supper is tomorrow evening so we have been cleaning shop. We would love to see you for great food and good fellowship. The weather forecast promises to be cooler with a high temp Monday of 82 degrees. We have been warm. It's currently 82 degrees now as I'm writing at 4 am on this Sunday.
I strongly believe life is about relationships. With God. With others. It's why I value family. It's why we enjoy working together with our help. It's why we do custom work for others. It's why we have been getting together for over 30 years with an appreciation supper for the sole purpose of food and fellowship with friends and customers. It's why we sponsor a community concert on the square on Labor Day weekend.

I want to thank my wife Jan, our daughter Becky, and our daughter-in-laws Suzanne, Stacy, Cassia, Emily, and Kristin for being great spouses. Busy Moms. And awesome cooks. Jan taught all our children, including sons, how to prepare great food. And the next generation is continuing the tradition. Thanks for the great article Emily and boys.

 Life does not wait. When you are given an opportunity do you say, "No thanks" or "Why not"? Yes, we have serious problems in our country. And the folks in the media in their suits behind their microphones are telling us who we should hate and what we should accept. All without God. I think they need a taste of the real world here in flyover country. I think they would see God working. In watching the sky go from stars, to grey, to red, at sunrise. A Ranger ride with someone you love at sunset. Baling straw with grandkids. 6am coffee conversations. Looking forward to homemade pizza on Sunday evenings. Getting a thank you note.

Life does not wait. We have had a number of unexpected deaths in our community. I know. God had our days numbered before we were born. That's why I never bought in on all the hoop-la the last couple of years. I was curious. So I counted the number of folks that have passed away in the last 10 weeks. Obituaries from 6 local funeral homes in our area. I'm guessing about a four county area. Just over 130 deaths. Half were 75 or older. Half were 74 or younger. What am I suggesting? That every single one of us, some sooner, some later, will meet our Creator.

That does not have to be a scary thought. Over the last 14 years of Sunday morning visits I've learned to care about you all. Many I don't even know. What our culture is trying to do will not end well. Life does not happen without God. Do you have "hope" after this life for eternity? Or absolute "assurance"? It's not about living a good life. 100% of us fail every day. It's as easy as asking God for help now. And eternity later. The road of life we are traveling here will not continue indefinitely. Blessings my friends.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve, we always appreciate and enjoy your blog, and we have had our own reminder of the fragility of life this week. But God is always there when we need him and when we don’t even know we need him, he is so good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your encouragement by commenting. And blessings to you and your family as you process life after loss. Steve