Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Power Of Hope

Hope is believing things will work out. Especially when it seems otherwise. Hope is optimistic and forward thinking. Hope anticipates. Below eight grandchildren from four families are out watching the rain move in. Thanks for the picture Jan.

Last Sunday morning the young people's group from our church headed for Kentucky for a work trip to help folks. BJ and Cassia, along with other leader couples joined the group, including several of our grandchildren.

This picture is from the previous Saturday. Scott who is BJ's landlord and has cattle, chops the cover crop. Then they double crop soybeans after taking off the rye.

We had a bearing out on the high speed disc that we wanted to fix before we put it away. However the assembly was pretty stubborn. So we heated the outside tube red hot with two torches.
In a spiritual context hope is a noun. We talk about having a hope. That means we have faith in a higher power. That higher power is God. And we believe His help and grace is necessary. In times of challenges and opportunities we are to be a reflection of that hope. Below our farm shop's reflection is in our new pond across the road.

Kurt found the top of a large rock protruding out in the timber near a creek. Since Jan likes large rocks for landscaping we took a rainy morning to go retrieve it. Mike made a path through the timber with his mulcher. And Kurt dug it out with his hoe. I wondered how long this rock has been here. Probably a very long time. Maybe Indians stood on it. Maybe since creation!
Jim hauled some landlord corn this past week. He used our little grandkid graincart. He is in the process of putting a roll tarp on this little cart with used parts we have on hand.
Every ten years Iowa does redistricting for legislative districts. This past Tuesday was primary day for voting. I feel on a local level from school boards to statehouse elections citizens are expressing their frustration with the culture being pushed on us, by voting in folks willing to work for life, stopping school library porn, and trying to eliminate the indoctrination some of our schools are pushing on our kids.
 Our federal government however is a different issue. I'm not sure without a cultural revival we have even a chance of going back to the values we had.
Nationally our country has turned it's back on God. Our countries leaders want control, power, credit for everything, servitude from it's citizens, and glory. If one stops to think about it, that's the definition of wanting to be God. And when we check out our history over the last 6000 years there is not a single good ending to this scenario. Have you noticed our 2022 quarters this year?

An Oskaloosa girls flag team spent an evening at our cabin. After supper they practiced their routines.
Many of our grade school, high school, and even college grandkids compete in shooting competitions. They learn gun etiquette and safety. They get comfortable shooting with accuracy. And it will serve both the grandsons and granddaughters well later in life.
It's camping time. And Jan has a calendar of who all would like to borrow the camper for family outings.

On Friday morning we left for Sheldon, Iowa and Risefest. Risefest is a two day outdoor concert venue with several Christian artists performing. We took Zach and Adi, and joined my brother Bill and Julie along with their son Michael and grandson Austin. 

We are intentionally being squeezed economically and socially in our country today. With the intent to create a culture of dependence and hopelessness. And there are folks struggling. However in some cases struggles produce character. Character produces courage. And courage produces hope. We are not the cure. However we are connected with the cure when we acknowledge God. He is preparing us for such a time as this. We need to help show folks the power of our hope by showing up, being strong, sincere, selfless, and serving. Blessings.

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