Sunday, May 22, 2022

Fields And Soil Types

"Listen. A farmer went out to plant his fields." Matthew 13:3

"As he planted across his fields, some seeds fell on hard ground. And the birds came and ate them." Matthew 13:4

"Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying obstacles. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun since they didn't have deep roots." Matthew 13:5-6

"Other seed fell among thorns and weeds that grew up and choked the tender plants." Matthew 13:7

"Still other seed fell on fertile soil and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted. Anyone with ears should listen and understand." Matthew 13:8-9

The disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Why do you use stories when you talk to the people?" Jesus replied, "To those who listen, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away." Matthew 13:10,12

As we wrapped up our planting season this week, and as I thought about our country and the culture we currently have, I was reminded of the story Jesus told about the farmer scattering seed. And specifically His answer to the disciples when they asked why He told stories.

Six weeks ago we started planting both corn and soybeans with cool wet conditions. Four weeks ago on a Saturday was our last measurable rain which crusted some soils. Then we had a week of mid 90 temps and there were some soybean plants that didn't survive under a crust. So we switched Kurt's 30 inch planter to soybeans and planted in more beans on three farms.

Have you ever had a job in your pile of stuff you weren't that crazy about? Then after you accomplished it you were glad you did it? Well, in our sprayer pile was this small job of 44 acres of no-till corn down south in four fields. Well, come to find out this older gentleman is fighting cancer this spring. Thanks for planting his crop Seth. And thanks for showing me around the fields Arlin.

Mike continues to stay busy with construction work. Below Mike is returning from a job he and Mark helped with near Runnells.

With the crops in BJ is back to tiling. After tiling in a field through a few emerging soybeans, he moved to installing intakes above a new pond. It will be hay cutting time for BJ soon.
Jan continues to stay very busy with her yard, garden, and plants. We still have a few trees to plant. Trenton occasionally helps when it doesn't interfere with school events.
With more mowing this year I've been mowing a little, and recruiting grandkids. Yesterday Elijah, Ezra, and Jackson helped. I've hooked up the batwing and have started mowing road ditches. Memorial Day is also sort of my goal to start spraying fencerows.
May is a busy month for our cabin and Jan stays busy cleaning in-between graduation parties and other events folks use it for.
This past Friday morning at 6am I went into town to pick up a pallet of bottled water we had ordered from Hy Vee for our crew for the summer. Stan helped me load. After 46 years of working, yesterday was his last day and he was looking forward to retirement. I asked him what his plans were. He said it had always been his goal to own a big pickup. So he purchased a Ford diesel pickup and hoped to travel. However with the current affairs of our country he wasn't sure he could afford the $5.00 diesel cost. Restricting domestic fuel production has a higher cost than some folks realize or care.
When doing custom work, some fields are hard to find and get to as Alex finishes our last custom job of the season. 
We started our visit this morning with Jesus's parable of the different soils. Read the rest of Matthew 13 for the explanation and meaning of His story. God is the sower. We are the different soils. So what kind of soil type do you see yourself as? Are you ever hard, crusty, shallow, or full of obstacles? Do the bugs and weeds we visited about last week seem to choke out our efforts? Are we ever hard to find or get to?
Or do we have a "Keep Out" sign across the gate of our field?
We plant our crops looking forward to a harvest in about four months. God is planting seeds in us looking forward to a harvest as well. But harvest isn't just making it to heaven.
The work and return of thirty, sixty, and even a hundred fold harvest Jesus is talking about in His parable happens down here on earth. During our growing season. Let's have our fields and soil type be mellow, accepting, deep, and full of nutrients toward others. To much is given, much is required. Let's have a purpose. Let's be productive and cultivate action. And let's bear fruit. Blessings to you.

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