Sunday, April 10, 2022

Seeing An Earthly Perspective

It seems we often go from Sunday to Sunday when it comes to church, thinking about God, and our relationship with Him. Then on Monday through Friday we focus on cool wet weather, delayed fieldwork, inflation, supply issues, lack of help, and shortages. Today we remember Palm Sunday, and it's so easy to go straight to Easter Sunday next week. This morning we are going to spend part of our visit seeing the Monday through Friday in-between of Passion Week, from an earthly perspective.

Last Sunday my siblings and our children and grandkids came for Sunday dinner. We ate in the shop across the road since the cabin was busy. We had Big Mac Sundaes. In a bowl you start with bread crumbs, then loose hamburger, pickles and onions, homemade special sauce, french fries, and then cover the whole works with hot cheese.

One Sunday Jesus asked his disciples to bring him a young donkey, which he rode into the capital (Jerusalem). The country was under the thumb of Roman politics and a church with a culture full of rules.
The common folk from flyover country were in the Capital preparing for the Passover. They welcomed Jesus arrival with palm branches, and singing blessings. Seeing things from an earthly perspective, they were convinced Jesus was the answer to end the power and control of their government. What those folks didn't know was that Jesus' ministry was about changing the culture, not the politics.
I took this picture of Jerusalem from across the valley on the Mount of Olives, standing in the Garden of Gethsemane about three years ago.
After arriving in Jerusalem Jesus went up these steps to the temple. That's when he drove out the money changers who were taking advantage of people who were buying animals for sacrifices. That made the church leaders more angry. And they were convinced they had to kill Jesus because the crowds were following Him instead of them. On Monday and Tuesday Jesus also went up these steps and taught the crowds about grace instead of law.
Jan and I sat on these steps in the fall of 2019 when I took this picture of the wall of the city and the temple entrance.

On Wednesday evening Jesus went to Simon's home for supper. Simon had previously suffered from leprosy (a chronic disease causing skin lesions and nerve damage). There was a strong smell of perfume in the room during the meal. A woman took some expensive perfume and anointed Jesus with it. Four days previously Mary had also anointed Jesus feet at her, Martha, and Lazarus's home. The disciples saw things from an earthly perspective and criticized both gals for wasting money. They had no idea Jesus would be dying on a cross on Friday.

On Thursday Jesus had his disciples find a room for their Passover meal. Passover back then was to remember God's deliverance from Egyptian bondage. Today we call it Communion, and we remember the week we're visiting about this morning(our deliverance from sin's bondage). It was after that Passover meal where Jesus washed his disciples feet. We visited about that last week. Then after singing a hymn, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane. After praying this is where Jesus was arrested.

Jan and I prayed here and were led in worship on this hill by Del. You can see from my picture how far Jesus would be led by the soldiers to the city in the background. 

I'm realizing my timeline might be a day off since the Jews in those days used Saturday for their Sabbath. At any rate Jesus was led into the city where he was falsely accused by both church and government leaders. Since He didn't fit in their narrative they first tried to censor (quiet) Him. When that didn't work they decided to punish Him. They incited the people (their form of media) who had just days earlier blessed Him coming into town, into shouting for His death. Those folks were so fickle, not thinking on their own, and being led by Godless folks. We're not much different today. Anyway Jesus walked down these steps to His death on a cross at Calvary. I can count personal encounters with the presence of God on one hand in my lifetime. One of those times was walking down these steps realizing what Jesus did for me. 
Let's do the rest of the story next week.
Back to current events. Karl continues to organize seed deliveries. The weather isn't cooperating however it's that time of year.
Jim told me it looked like the drill had been neglected the last year or two. He's correct since it only gets used for waterways and small seeding jobs. Because of extra rainy days we fixed it all up.
We've been working on vehicles. Below we replaced a leaf spring on an older half ton pickup.
Jayden is watching his Dad weld a jack on a hog cart we use for tile connections. We told Jayden not to watch welding or we would have to put potatoes on his eyes for the burn.
The guys put a new oak floor on one of our lowboys. It looks great and should last another many seasons.
We did a little yard work. Sometimes we have to find bigger equipment for tougher jobs. BJ is taking out a tree.
Last evening was Oskaloosa Highschool's prom. A bunch of kids and their parents came out to our cabin an pond for pictures beforehand.
From an earthly perspective our country has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Those who believe God and not government should be in control are being censored. Without change it will come to punishment. However change will have to come in culture, and not politics. In our earlier story the devil was trying to use folks to defeat Jesus. Today we are part of the script of witnessing the same scenario. However on the bright side, next week we find out God wins. We have the promise and can have full confidence God will continue to win. 
The alfalfa in southern Iowa says spring is here in spite of cool wet conditions. Another promise we have is that as long as earth remains planting and harvest will continue. From an earthly perspective one might start to get concerned. Then I think about what's on our billboard near Ottumwa. "We plan and prepare, but the Lord determines the outcome". One of my favorite chorus's relating to all aspects of life here on earth. "I am no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God". Thanks so much for stopping by.

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