Sunday, March 13, 2022

Let's Be Ready

Being ready means one is properly prepared to complete whatever tasks needs completing. Being ready means one could start at a moments notice. I think being ready also means thought out, looking forward, and eager, for such a time as this.

Being ready is also applicable in making decisions. The road of life is filled with flat squirrels who just couldn't decide. 

There will come a time, sooner than some think, when we as a Christians and Patriots will need to be ready to decide between complacency and confrontation. Our country is currently being run by, "And everyone did what was right in their own eyes". History constantly reminds us this doesn't end well.

Last Sunday evening around 100 of us got together in our local city square to pray for the situation and people in Ukraine. Our square in Oskaloosa is lighted up in blue and yellow. Thanks to those who organized this event. And thanks to Steve and Doug who took pictures for me since I forgot my phone.
This past Monday was Jan and my anniversary. It also snowed significantly 47 years ago on March 7. We celebrated with a trip to Des Moines. Alex had given us a gift certificate to Simons. It's a small Italian restaurant that is also known as J. Benjamins in the older part of town. There  were more folks waiting to get in at 5pm on a Monday evening than it could hold.

We also went shopping at Sam's Club. I have not been to Sam's before with Jan when it had so many empty shelves. Especially in the meat department.
We finished the evening off at Wells Fargo Arena watching the Pella Christian basketball team defeat Roland Story in the first round of the boys highschool state basketball tournaments.
There have been a couple of subjects that had my mind thinking about being ready this past week. One is fuel prices and shortages. One of the pillars of our purpose here on earth is to help others succeed. It was why and how our custom work business started. However fuel is most often the energy that makes that happen.
Over the past couple of years there have been decisions made in our country that make little sense other than to intentionally allow folks to suffer more. Two years ago it was making it difficult to get effective early treatment for Covid. The parallel today is making it difficult to get fuel. So this week we shut off Russian fuel to the USA in order to "hurt" them. Why then would not shutting off our own fuel pipeline and domestic production have the same effect for us as Americans. Thanks for the picture Collin.

This past Wednesday morning we held a planter clinic encouraging folks to be ready for this coming planting season. Thanks to Matt for bring their CIH planter. Thanks to Mark for bringing his Kinze. Thanks to the presenter team of folks from the different companies who did an outstanding job. And thanks to Kristin and Jan for an amazing lunch.

Although it was quite chilly around here this past week we did some cleanup work around the yard. Sounds like a warmup this coming week.

Mike, Kurt, Jackson and I helped a friend and neighbor get in a semi load of baby pigs. Jackson is helping count 33 pigs per pen.

These cousins helped Grandpa get lawnmowers ready for our coming mowing season. Kudos to Elijah and Ezra for changing oil and sharpening blades on a number of mowers.

On Thursday evening Jan had the Dordt basketball team and some of their families and friends over for supper. What a great bunch of kids. They were in the NAIA National Tournament and played Friday afternoon in the William Penn University Gym. We were privileged to be new friends with them as they played their hearts out and lost by two points. We also enjoyed catching up with Eric and Barb, president of Dordt University. 

The Dordt team also joined our farming crew in the shop for their pregame meal Friday noon. I mentioned earlier in this visit that I fill my "tank" by having the equipment and ability to be helpful. Well, one of Jan's many gifts of serving others is through her cooking skills. This meal consisted of a whole table of options for deli sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, chocolate milk, and dessert.

I mentioned our planter clinic earlier. While we were helping with baby pigs Friday I got a call that Mark had been in a bad accident. He was bringing his planter home from our place and was rear-ended hard by a tanker semi.

 I couldn't sleep early Friday morning. So I got up and prayed in front of the knipco heater in our farm shop. I specifically prayed for the safety of each of our kids, grandkids, and help. When God nudges us we need to be ready.

Mark wasn't hurt and the semi driver just had a knott on his head and skinned up hands. As I saw these three brothers standing on the highway after the accident I could only thank the Lord for answered prayers.
I also realize not all our prayers get answered the way we hope. And many of you have experienced loss in a variety of ways. So we also need to "be ready" when God determines our time on earth is finished. That means not only acknowledging God but also accepting His gift of salvation covering our wrongs. Timothy tells us in the Bible that "God calls us to a holy life. Not because we deserve it, but because of His plan before the beginning of time to show us grace". That verse means God knew us and loved us as individuals before Creation.
I'm late. That spring forward hour caught up with me this morning. Blessings.


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