Sunday, October 24, 2021

"Mobile Two, Got A Copy?"

"WZB-250, combine, do you got a copy?" "Ten-four." "What's your twenty?" "I'm in the back corner, across the waterway, waiting on a graincart." "Ten-four, I'm on my way."

Today, that would be called a "group chat". The combines hear it. The graincarts hear it. The semis hear it. The girls at home hear it if they feel like listening. We use FM business radios to communicate. Communication is essential in most operations. Communication is mandatory in relationships.

The communicating process has changed these days. Today folks talk about face time and it's on a screen. A voice mail is just a record of a missed conversation. Today our main forms of communications are text, email, and social media.

Last Sunday morning after church Jan and I headed to northwest Iowa. We had supper with our Grandson Cody, and his friends Mark, Devonte, Jarod, Josie, Addi, and Liz. Thanks kids. We had a great time.

Then on Monday I spent the day with the Dordt University Ag department where I'm on an Ag advisory Council. We discussed curriculum. We talked about what's ahead in agriculture. We spent time on the University's farm observing and discussing new construction. Below we are talking about a new cattle mono-slope building going up. Dordt University is only one of two Christian university's in the country that offers an Ag program as a major.
I'm sure you're weary of reading about our graincart issues. I'm weary of telling you. BJ heard a creaking noise as the cart left the combine. He mentioned on the 2-way to check things out. Sure enough, the lug nut holes were cracking out. Thanks to Kurt who drove the cart to the shop to change out a rim and tire.
Late Monday afternoon the field crew also had a combine fire northeast of New Sharon. It was ingulfed enough BJ grabbed his monitors and I-pads and baled out of the cab. Makes graincart wheel issues look trivial. Fortunately we didn't lose it.
Thanks to the quick thinking field crew and New Sharon fire department for getting the fire put out. BJ and Cody, from Zieglar Cat spent most of the night and part of the next morning replacing wiring.
However the next evening while I was combining, this feederhouse bearing went out due to the bearing seals getting burned the day before.
As I have mentioned in previous visits, one of the things that break up very long days is eating and "communicating" face to face as a team. Thanks Matt for bringing lunch out Wednesday to our crew.
On Thursday evening we pulled in and started cutting beans on the Denney Farm. We had sprinkles and the beans were tough. "Squeak" said his girlfriend was coming out with supper.😊 As often as I write about meals you probably wonder if we get anything accomplished. We do. It's just a highlight I enjoy sharing.
"Squeak's" girlfriend Beth said that I'm always taking pictures of others. How about she taking a picture of us? Below was our Thursday evening crew. Squeak, Karl, myself, Kasey, BJ, Kurt, Alex, and Matt. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Jim, Pablo, Andy, Big John, Little John, (who's not all that little), Grandkids, (too numerous to mention) and others I apologize for forgetting this morning. No matter how tough the day, it's a joy to work with our crew of which many are part time. I make it a priority to pray for Jan, the kids, spouses, grandkids, girlfriends, full time and part time help and spouses, by name, every day. It's a long list and I love communicating with God about them in my devotion time.
On Friday afternoon we were cutting soybeans west of Peoria and got an unexpected two tenths of rain around midafternoon. So we shut down, went to PCHS's tournament playoff game, and watched the football team defeat a strong Mediapolis team to play again next Friday.
Back in the 1980s most everyone used wagons instead of carts and semis. This farmer north of Peoria, has one of each of the popular brands back then. Westendorf, Kilbros, J and M, and Dakon. These four wagons hold about a semi load.
This past week Rich was killed very unexpectedly in a semi accident on I80 near Lincoln, Nebraska. He pulled a van trailer and hauled freight every day to central Nebraska. I remember hauling grain together with Rich back when we helped the extended family farm. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joni and their five children, Dan and Deb, Shelley and Rod, and Virgil and Bert, as they grieve and process this huge loss.
When I was growing up I was an introvert. When Jan and I dated she always wished I would share more. Communication is the key to relationships. With God. With others. Sharing shows we love and care. I'm ten- forty two (finished). Thanks for the visit. Have a good week.


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