Sunday, August 8, 2021

What Are We Building

Today we are blessed to live in a country where we still get to build. Yes...projects, businesses, and a way of life. However today I want to remind ourselves we also get to build mission, purpose, and responsibility. Below Jayden, Lane, Jackson, and Malaki are building those charecter traits as they pick and shuck sweetcorn for Jan for lunch last Monday.

When those traits are encouraged in the early years of one's life it opens doors. It's the foundation for confidence, independence, and being productive. Those three cornerstones of our culture are being challenged today by our leaders. They are pushing fear, dependence, and unemployment. And they are using Covid to accomplish their objective. Today we live in a country where we have shortages because folks have lost their compass for building. Below is Karl and Kristin's family farm. Kudos and blessings to those of you who still choose to be confident, independent, and productive.
God created family to be the glue for much of our culture. As you know the family is under attack today as well. The family model is the foundation and solution to help our kids and grandkids grow and be as independent as they choose to be. Below Jan brought out lunch to a couple of dozen of us midweek. It's enjoyable when the older grandkids come out over their work lunchbreak to eat Grandma's cooking.

Speaking of solutions, thanks for this picture and memory Beth. Uncle Charlie (Mom's youngest brother) was a mechanic all his life. Last year when he went to visit my father he found out he was quite deaf. Since he wasn't into hollering like us kids all did, he just called him up on his cell phone. 😊

Last Sunday morning we went to Faith CRC church in Pella and enjoyed visiting and catching up with many friends. Brian was installed as Faith's minister as he and Becky and their family will be pastoring there after ten good years in Sully.
Last Sunday evening we were given a Lego by Pastor Tom and reminded we have a responsibility to build. In Psalms 127 Solomon encourages all of us to build home, community, and family. The hammer in the picture below was built for me by grandson's Gideon and John out of a piece of metal and a piece of wood. If you ever come to visit Jan and I feel free to ask to see the many things in my home office, given to me by others, that I dearly cherish. The office is full of building memories.
Friday evening at The Bridge Church in Ottumwa we were reminded to build in confidence, and to ask God for wisdom in these times. This service kicked off 21 Days of Prayer as we go into another fall season. We specifically and intentionally prayed for the unsaved, the hurting, our country, and our future. Our prayers are to be specific, scheduled, spontaneous, and shared. Thanks Pastor Marti and praise team for a powerful service.
Karl has stayed very busy selling hogs this past week. I'm guessing he loads around 15 semis a cycle. After power washing in a week or so he will get a new batch to feed.
On Tuesday we finally got our sidewalk poured after having the forms up and rerod laid for some time. Thanks to Jim, Alex, Mike, Kurt, Ezra, Jackson, and Elijah for helping.
Often part of pouring concrete is building a memory. Below Elijah and Jackson are writing their names in wet cement.
We had to wait awhile and work out the scheduling and concrete delivery. I asked for a river gravel mix rather than the usual limestone. Then after a short time of drying we took a garden hose and washed the finish off the top. This exposes the river gravel, making a pretty finish. We ordered a full 10 yard load so it wouldn't be quite as much a pain for the concrete company. We finished the load pouring more edges around our pond.

It's been a busy week. A big thank you to Mike who finished hauling clay for us up to our machine shed yard across the road. We hauled around 200 scraper loads of clay out of the new pond to extend and level the drive.

Also a thank you to Matt and his son Jacob for helping with summer clean up. Once a year we have to be intentional around here to finish projects, put things back in their place, fix what's broke, and generally wash the shop areas.

Then before we get into the busy grind of fall and harvest we invite family, friends, and customers over and have a party. Party maybe doesn't sound like quite the right word. However the purpose is to enjoy good food, conversation, and each other's company. We as a family value friends, the folks we work with, and the relationships we share.
The year I was born it cost 3 cents to mail a letter. When we got married it cost 10 cents and most folks would get their letter a day after it was mailed. Today it cost 58 cents and delivery is uncertain and sometimes even returned. My point is the US postal service isn't always reliable like the old days. So consider this your invite. We don't require RSVP however if you would like or have questions you are welcome to contact us at "".
I am so thankful to be able to live in a rural area. I am thankful for the many freedoms we still enjoy. As far as getting vaccinated for Covid I respect you if have gotten the shot. I respect you if you choose not to. I have had the virus and have natural antibodies so I feel I'm covered both for my safety and yours. My point of this conversation however is that having government tell us we have to get shot or trying to make it difficult if we don't is a slippery slope I want no part of. There are so many good people in this world. And many comply because they want things to end. However because of their compliance things will not end. A life with mandates and rules from our government will not end until "we the people" decide for it to end. I agree with Thomas Jefferson who said, "I would rather live in difficult freedom than peaceful slavery".
So what's the answer? We are to live our lives on the strong foundation of God both personally and as a country. We are going to hopefully talk about foundations next week. We are being challenged to become dependent on our government. We are not to be fearful. God has the ability to turn "Graves into Gardens". He uses difficult times to help us develop character. God did not promise life would be easy. He did promise He would guide us through life if we ask for His help. Have a good week.


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