Sunday, April 11, 2021

It's That Time

 Well, it's that time of year when plans turn into actions. Early last week Kurt and BJ both worked at planting corn while Alex got the soybean planter going. Andy, Layton, John, and Mike worked on ground preparation. Joe and Big John ran the seed shed and kept the seed tenders busy delivering to the planters. Are there risks? Yes, of course. A late frost. Too cold and wet. However their is also a risk for too hot and dry this summer. This will be our 47th crop. There have always been risks. However when we stick our "toe in the water" and in faith move forward, there is often reward as well.

 Things are coming back to life and starting to grow after being dormant during our winter. Asparagus has always been one of my favorites. God promised Noah after the flood there would be "seedtime and harvest" for the remainder of our world's existence.

It's that time of year when many folks enjoy working outdoors. The past year has caused many things like tillers, mowers, 4-wheelers, and side by sides, to be back ordered and hard to get. Jan and her sister Donna went on an outing to Jamesport, Mo. They stopped at quilt stores and nurseries along the way. Kudos to Jan for keeping our place well-groomed with her "green thumb".

It's also the time when we can start relaxing outdoors and enjoying God's creation. Easter evening we were blessed to have family over. Jan and I are also getting to the age when nephews, nieces, and grandkids bring "friends" along. No matter what the weather has been through the week, Sundays are a day of rest at our place and I look forward to them.

Mike continues to move dirt for folks. Below he is loading his older dozer with the new undercarriage and went to work on a farm that needed a little TLC before we planted it. While his newer dozer was waiting at a job site near the very small community of Coal Creek northwest of What Cheer.

Things don't always go as planned. The week started with BJ and Alex finishing up NH3 jobs. As Alex was driving home on the 4-lane, a main frame cylinder that raises this machine broke and dropped the toolbar on the highway. As Alex pulled off the road and out of the line of traffic the toolbar buried itself in the road ditch. Thanks Jim and Nutrien for finding us a cylinder. Thanks Hannah for driving to Brokaw Supply in Fort Dodge and picking it up for us.

Karl worked on spraying pre-herbicides on ground going to soybeans while I sprayed planted corn for ourselves and others. Jim and Pablo ran the sprayer tenders taking the products to the sprayers in the field. We pick up what we call "hot loads". Those are blends that are premixed with water and fertilizer in town. Thanks to Jim, Brent, David, Matt, Nathan, and team at Nutrien. Below Nathan is blending and loading us.

Toward the middle of the week there was a pretty good chance of rain coming. So we put in a couple of long days. Below, Kurt is stopping by home to say hello to his family west of Leighton. Thanks for the picture Emily.

Late Wednesday it started to rain. We received just under an inch. We spent the remainder of the week on seed and shop projects.

Andy is a part time helper. He, Amara, and Lyndie welcomed Olsen to their family on Thursday. Congratulations. Family is a blessing. Thanks for the picture.

Late this week Joe and I stopped and picked up some seed from another dealer near Victor on our way home from Iowa City. This church standing against a cloudy sky reminded me to remind you of the importance of getting together for worship that points to God. It might be a small country church with neighbors.

It might be the church you grew up in. Usually full of family. Below in Sully, where Brian, Becky, and family work and attend, they had a kids program for their Easter service.

Or it might be a non denominational praise and worship church with multiple services that reaches out to folks to come for the first time. Covid was hard on church attendance and on-line church became the norm. However we were made for relationships. With God. With others. There is not a right or wrong church. "It's that time" to ask God for help when times are tough and hard. And to remember to say thank you when times are tender and good. Below is one of the Easter services at The Bridge Church in Ottumwa.

Comfort zones don't keep our lives secure. They keep our lives limited. Folks who experience God sized miracles often take God sized risks. Do any of you join me in feeling we are losing our country? Have you ever thought that you may have been born for such a time as this? Many of the his-story  events of our nation were accomplished by common folk. Courage is contagious. "It's that time" when we the people of this great country decide we value our heritage, our faith, our right to bear arms, our God created distinctiveness as guys and gals,  our freedoms, our churches and communities. And it's time to take a stand against a socialistic movement and move forward so our children and grandchildren can have the same values, freedoms, and opportunities we grew up with. 

Yesterday I enjoyed watching Ethan, Rachel, John, Emily, Ezra, and their teammates shoot in a trap shooting competition. PCHS has close to 100 kids on the shooting team. Thank you coaches. Several schools competed including a brand new team from North Mahaska. The gun safety, accuracy, and camaraderie make this a sport that prepares kids for later in life.

 Thanks for stopping by. 

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