Sunday, March 28, 2021

It's About People

 One of the things I enjoy is when the older grandkids come over and work on their vehicles. And it seems like their trucks need worked on quite often. I seldom see them unhappy or frustrated and they often tackle repairs that would scare me. Most of all they enjoy each others and their friends company.

The younger cousins equally like to be together. We have all been made and instilled with an appreciation for relationships. This past week seemed to have an extra blessing of folks as we went about our business.

Our nephew Ryan has been living in our basement the past few months. He recently moved from Sanborn, Iowa and is working for a building contractor in Pella. Ryan just closed on a house purchace in New Sharon. Below he is leveling off some rock Mark delivered him in his new driveway. Thanks for the picture Ryan.


Pablo is always a joy to be around. He works at Cargill/Eddyville and helps us on his days off. He has an amazing ability to clean up equipment. He also enjoys trucking.

Our past week was a wet one so we spent much of our time with inside jobs getting more ready for when the planters hit the field. Although dry fields are desirable in the spring for field work we are usually thankful for the moisture.

 One of the things that speed things up during planting is using seed in bulk boxes. Since many of our fields aren't large enough to accommodate a full box of corn we sometimes break bags of seed into a partial box ahead of time. Then when planting we just dump the box into a seed tender and run the seed to the field which fills the planter in a short time.
Kurt welded new bearing holders on some planting closing wheels that had a fair amount of wear. The new bearings make the closing wheel assembly as good as new.
Just like the kids, we enjoy each others company. Often Mike or Kurt will grill something for lunch in the shop on wet days. BJ and Cassia went to Illinois one day to pick up a piece of equipment Karl bought on an on-line auction. BJ and Joe had time to go to Bancroft to get a soil testing machine that fits on our 4-wheeler. Mike and also Pablo ran to Des Moines for parts.
The Ever-Given is a world class container ship and one of the largest in the world. It is causing quite a traffic jam as it is stuck diagonally in the Suez Canel. Crews have been working extra hard the last couple of days since today's full moon raises the tide.
The FFA chapter at Pella Christian High had their annual banquet Friday evening. I was privileged to present the Dekalb Award. This is an annual Ag accomplishment award given to an exceptional member who shows commitment, work ethic, and leadership. Congratulations to Katherine and a thank you to Miss Ellie. The Roberts family who founded the Dekalb Seed company started this award in 1947.
With Covid still in the headlines and all the different opinions on the vaccine I went to HyVee on Friday morning to get a test to see if I still had antibodies after assuming I had the virus several months ago. Sure enough, my test was positive that my immune system had antibodies. I turned down the offer for a vaccination. At least for now.
A friend came to Iowa for a visit so Friday afternoon I drove to Urbandale. Along with about twenty TFL staff and Todd and Mary, another board member couple, we were blessed to catch up. Mike grew up in Kansas and his wife Susan grew up here in Iowa. His job from 2018 until the election was Secretary of State of our country. He jokes everything he learned about handling the world's foreign affairs he learned teaching 5th grade Sunday School in Kansas.
Our interaction with each other and finding friends is sometimes like shed hunting. Often they're found unexpectedly. Some are more significant than others however most are enjoyable. Once in awhile you are going about your work and you find one in a tire. Meaning occasionally relationships need repaired. Be aware of the relationships God put in your life and be a positive influence. Thanks for the antler picture Ryan.
 Today is Palm Sunday. Last year I visited with you about walking the same street Jesus walked on down to Jerusalem the week of his crucifixion. The pictures of folks and palm branches all show a level road. We found there were no level roads near Jerusalem. The steps below are 2000 years old and the same steps Jesus walked on when he left the home of Caiaphas (a church leader) and headed for his death at Calvary. The hill of Golgotha we visited is a little less sure of the location back then however I was inclined to think it was accurate. It looked like a skull. Why did Jesus allow folks to convict him without cause when He had the power to save himself? He did it for people. For us and our wrongs, since we are unable to pay that debt on our own.
Our former Secretary of State talks about 5th grade Sunday School in Kansas. When I was in 5th grade Sunday School we had catechism (What we believe). The gospel in the Bible is basically Sin. Salvation. Service. We know we sin. This week we remember Good Friday and Easter next Sunday, our salvation if we accept His gift. However we sometimes forget to tell God thank you. That's the service. Service is about people, and helping and serving folks. 
Below I was blessed to have a picture Friday evening with John, Rachel, Amelia, and Ethan, four grandchildren in FFA. Have a good week.



Mark U said...

Thanks for the message brother Steve. We definitely have lot to give thanks for...i led a study with our growth group. Philipian 4:6-7. We are not to be anxious for anything, but in all things keep thanksgiving as the foundation.

stillwatersiowa said...

Thanks Mark. Great to hear from you. Hope you and family have a blessed Easter