Sunday, January 17, 2021

To Know You're Loved

Over the past ten months our culture has been obsessed with fear, hate, and the promise of rules from folks that I'm not sure I trust or have our best interest in mind. You know you're loved when someone selflessly turns your heater on in the bathroom or quietly brings you a cup of coffee. Baby Brynn knows shes loved as her older sister Sydnie sings to her on the living room floor. Thanks for the picture.

As we've discussed before I think our elderly are struggling about being loved. I'll have to ask my family however since the weather has turned cold I'm not sure I've seen any other visitors at our mother's assisted living residence. We are starting to wave and "visit" with the other residents. Last week Bill and Julie's son Michael and grandson Austin pulled a patio table up to the residents dining room window and built a snowman on top of it so the residents could watch from the inside.
We have sung for them as a family and kudos to Bill and Julie's family who brought homemade gifts for all the residents. Often while we visit Mom outside her window we see other residents push themselves or walk by Mom's hallway door so they can smile and wave at us. Most of these residents have recovered from Covid plus they have all had the vaccine. How long will these rules stay in place?
Malaki and Sydnie went ice fishing with Uncle Mike in his warm fishing hut.
Last week I shared a story about going to pick up steel. Jim and Layton built this grate for the washroom pit in our new shed. Thanks guys.
Jim and Mike also cut and threaded half inch black pipe getting ready for multiple power washer hookups throughout the building.
Mike started washing a planter yesterday. I worked on a tractor that hauled honey all fall. And below Pablo is cleaning up a Cat. Thanks guys. Spring will be here sooner than we expect.
When I was in 3rd grade at Pella Christian I still remember walking out of the doctor's office and how surprised I was how clearly I could see with my new glasses for the first time. Sorry Allison. You must have gotten some of grandpa's poor eye sight genes. Blessings on seeing a brighter and clearer future. Thanks for the picture.
Our next year's seed is coming in regularly now. Malaki helped his Dad organize and stack boxes yesterday. Thank you for helping Malaki.
Our friend and neighbor, Edgar, passed away this past week. What a loss of historical information. Becky once interviewed him on tape trying to preserve some of the old stories. His current home had been added on a number of times. Once during a visit Edgar showed me how the center section of his home was still a log cabin. Our sympathies to his children including Eddie who told me he lost his best friend this week. The last time we brought Edgar a meal I asked him if I could take his picture and he agreed. Edgar spent most of his early life in the coal mines and later did dozing and tiling.
Another way of knowing we are loved is when someone is a good listener and not just waiting for their turn to talk. Also someone who has our best interest in mind. Also someone who can make things happen for our good. Our Heavenly Father fits all those descriptions. And He can do the impossible for His glory and our good. Lean on Him with struggles and thank Him for blessings. The silhouette below is grandson Gideon. Thanks for the picture. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week.

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