Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Good morning friends. The story of our lives is a series of transitions. A transition is a bridge from one stage, or season, or event, or idea to another.

I know many of you have felt the transition of the loss of a loved one. Especially on the afternoon or evening after the funeral when the noise and the busyness of the event are over. Contrary to what some folks think, I sometimes just like to busy myself alone for awhile with my thoughts and my Lord.
Last Sunday one of my sisters had a great idea to go and see Mom together. Through the window of course. She enjoyed seeing everyone.
After visiting Mom we all had supper together at Donna and Roger's home south of Barnes City.
Our weather has transitioned. We went from warm and dry here in southern Iowa to cool and wet. I'm guessing our field work days are probably over for this fall. Thanks for the picture Alex.
Hopefully we will be able to continue tiling and dirt work for a little while. Mike has been busy building terraces for Marion and Mark. Thanks for the picture Mike.
Our crop focus has also transitioned from harvest and evaluating our 2020 season to planning, preparing, and looking forward to planting in 2021. Karl and I are spending most of our time focusing on next years seed needs, helping our customers plan for the right hybrid on the right acre. Selling seed is not just bags and dollars. Selling seed is a relationship that has to be earned with the customer knowing without a doubt that their best interest is in mind. It's a rewarding job.
Jan and I stopped and picked up a pizza at Napoli's Pizza and Steakhouse Thursday evening while driving through Burlington. It's only carryout these days, however if you want a great pizza hunt them up downtown.
With having a large family I often fail to get to every event I'm invited to. Although I can't remember everyone's birthdays, I do take the time to pray by name for all 35 children and grandchildren every day. Last year we invited a number of grandkids to come along with Jan and I and pick out their own Christmas present. Hopefully we can do that again. I also enjoy time I get to work beside them when they come to help Grandpa. Friday evening we went to Smokey Row and watched Adi play piano.
In Duet 31:7 Moses is soon to die. He tells Joshua, his successor, to be strong and courageous while crossing into (transitioning) the promised land and conquering the giants. A scary job. In verse 8 he tells Joshua not to be afraid or discouraged. He reminded Joshua that God would neither fail or abandon him. No matter what our future holds, God gives us that very same promise.
Are we telling those who look up to us as an example to be strong and courageous? Are we showing them not to be afraid or discouraged? Hopefully we will be remembered for being faithful and not fearful. Transitions are opportunities. Let's make the most of them. Thanks for the visit.


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