Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Gift Of Living

Good morning friends. I'd like you to meet a new family member. Karl and Kristin welcomed Brynn Lucille into their lives Wednesday morning. Brynn joins older brother Malaki and big sister Sydnie. Along with her siblings she also joins 19 cousins. Life is truly a gift.

My thoughts are random this morning. Another gift is being helpful. However sometimes we have limits. A gentleman was walking down the gravel road in sweat pants on a chilly day. I thought it would be appropriate to give him a lift so I asked him where he was heading. He said he was hoping to go to the Philippines. I took him to Caseys.
Often I need to put my mind in neutral in order to relax at night. So Jan buys me secondhand books that take little to no thinking to read. Thanks for the picture and caring about me Jan.
Mike, Suzanne, and Cody went to northwest Iowa this weekend for a college visit and to visit family. Wow. It's winter time up by you northern folks. Thanks for the picture Suzanne.
 After an inch of rain early Tuesday morning the guys spent time in the shop. BJ is also tiling. Jim and Andy are hauling soybeans to Burlington. Thanks Jarod,  Chris, Matt, and Jim for helping Alex on NH3 toolbars.
Mark took the time to help his Dad on some overdue projects.

Thanks to Rudy and crew for getting the new shop's insulation blown in. Matt and his son Eli have been busy getting the office area ready for William and drywall.
I stopped at Ideal Ready Mix this week for a couple of loads of blocks made out of leftover concrete that comes back to the plant. Thanks for loading me Cornie, and staying busy at 71. Cornie and Lois used to go to our church years ago.
Jan enjoys the gift of living outdoors and as many of you know keeps our yard neat. She is looking forward to landscaping along the south side of our building across the road next spring.
 I don't trust the election vote in the uncertified states in question. I don't trust the media and haven't watched TV all year. If mail-in votes continue to require no proof, if there is no transparency, and dead folks continue to vote, our countries honest election process is over and our nation's integrity will be in question around the world. As Harrison from Africa mentioned in the comment section last week, who we elect as leaders effect countries around the world. However that's not my point of this story. Go back to the first picture of our new granddaughter just hours old. If we have a change in who's leading our country, this team is willing and pushing for babies to be killed up to the point and even after birth if they are unwanted. And there are good people that actually and  honestly voted for this.
One of the finest gifts we have while living here on earth is that God is in charge. And each and every one of us has a purpose and plan as predetermined before we were born. Many of us remember Jeremiah 29:11 where God tells his prophet to remind folks of the plans he has for them. Yes. Even in an abnormal year like 2020. This 25 year old picture reminds me how little I knew about God's plans for us.

We also need to read the Bible verses preceding verse 11. The Israelites had their "normal" upset. They had been taken into captivity into modern day Iraq. God told Jeremiah to tell them to continue the gift of living. To build. To plan. To plant. To marry. And to have children. Yes, it even says to have grandchildren. Then it says to work for the peace and prosperity of where God has put us. Let's finish 2020 and whatever days God has left for us strong. And let's enjoy the gift of living. Thanks for the pictures Kristin.


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