Sunday, October 25, 2020

Getting Ready For What's Ahead

 I remember as a kid helping my father. What I didn't realize at the time was both my earthly father and my Heavenly Father were getting me ready for the rest of my life. Below Malaki and Sydnie helped their father, Karl, yesterday.

As we get older and look back we see we were part of a bigger picture. While visiting Iowa this past week my sister Beth from Colorado drove to Indiana to visit her daughter Elizabeth. Thanks for the picture Beth.

In June of 2008 Coach Kacmarynski wanted to help his son learn responsibility and asked if he and David could come out and help clean out corn bins. Today David is married, a senior at Dordt University, and playing football there. Coach and Mike (below) have been helping kids get ready for what's ahead ever since, as they coach football together at Pella Christian High School.

Twelve years ago 6 year old grandson, Cody, helped his father, uncles, and grandfather build a football field at PCHS. His father Mike who has a dozing business donated his time, fuel, and equipment during construction of a new high school campus. Thanks for the picture Mr. Blankenspoor.

Last Friday night Cody played his last football game as a senior on the field he helped build. He had a great game and was interviewed by Channel 13 sports. He shared his appreciation for the opportunity to play and acknowledged their were many kids this year who weren't allowed to play. Thanks for the picture Mike.
Back on the farm we started the week figuring out how to get a broken hydrostat to town. Kudos to Gary from Bill and Rays who was able to toe in a heavy combine. Also thanks to Randy, Kyle, and Dean from Van Waal for getting us back going in a timely fashion.

Jeff and crew sprayed and fertilized our yard this past week. This helps Jan in keeping it looking nice for next year.

Anton helped his dad chisel this past week as they get ready for next years crop. Anton is the fourth of five children in Mark and Stacy's family. Thanks for the picture.

We have been harvesting corn west of Knoxville and northwest of Pella. We took a break early in the week following a couple of inches of rain. Since Eddyville was closed for maintenance we stored the corn in bins for a spell. The corn moisture is 12 to 15% straight out of the field. Quality is excellent. Yields are still variable. We have a couple of wind damaged fields to harvest yet.
Speaking of storing crops, our corn market is at a twelve month high and the soybean market is at a four year high. We feel what's ahead is somewhat uncertain and are busy selling next years crop.
Things don't always go as planned. Sometimes you just take things a day or a job at a time. Thanks for the picture BJ. And thanks to you and son John for cleaning it up.
What's ahead for our kids and grandkids? What will our country look like in a year? In 10 days? We have two imperfect candidates running for president. Division and hatred have made our future uncertain. However as a Christian and a patriot I want to remind you there are drastic differences in the two men asking to lead us. Our current president believes in the future of our children, especially the unborn ones. He has done his best to put prayer back in their schools. He has appointed three Surpreme Court justices who promise to uphold our constitution and our religious freedoms. And he has surrounded himself with people of faith.

 Covid has been hard on our churches. I readily admit they have been trying to do the right thing. My friend Greg who works with churches all over Iowa says a healthy church demonstrates three things: Folks coming to know the Lord. An active discipleship program to help members with a more personal relationship in their faith. And an outreach to the community that would be missed if it didn't exist.

Finally, I wouldn't be a true friend if I didn't encourage you to think about what's ahead after our life on earth. Our days here are already determined. We won't leave earlier or stay longer than our Father in heaven planned for us. We may leave from accident, heart attack, cancer, or yes, even covid. That doesn't mean we stop living and loving life. That doesn't mean we stop planning and looking forward to what's ahead. Church, living by the rules, and hoping we're good enough isn't going to cut it. It just means we need to acknowledge God. Ask for His help for whats ahead in this life. And for eternity in heaven with Him after this life. Appreciate you taking the time to stop by.


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