Sunday, September 27, 2020

Trust And Blessing

 Does the United States still believe in God? Does our country trust Him? What we print on our money says we do. Do we as a country and culture deserve God's blessing? The little cross in the picture below was given to me by a friend, Owen. I've carried it with my pocket change so long the edges are smooth.

Do we as citizens still pledge allegiance to our flag and mean it? Are we still one nation? Under God? It seems today the Pledge is used more for protests than for patriots. Values and morals are the backbone of our country. We have folks in Congress that want to minimize or eliminate our constitution, our capitalism, and our Christianity. Trust has been replaced with hate.

Amy is 48 years old and mother of seven children. Two adopted from Haiti. Folks I know, that know her, say she is rock solid when it comes to our countries values. Yet, how will the Senate hearings go when she is confirmed? Will it be trust and truth? Or hate and lies? No one should have to go through what our last Surpreme Court justice went through. Justice Kavanaugh. Or Justice Thomas.

Trust is essential in a working relationship. It is truly a blessing in families, at work, or with friends to care about others and have them care about you. I want to thank those from the bottom of my heart who trust me and care about me. I will do my best to do the same for you.

I'm not sure how much Kurt should trust 6 year old Jackson as Jackson guides his Dad unhooking the cornhead and getting ready to move to the next farm.👍
I used this picture to thank the gals because Emily and little Lane are pulling the cornhead, helping us move. Thanks for helping shuffle vehicles. Thank you for meals. Thank you to granddaughters who help their Dads. Thank you for keeping books and sorting all those corn tickets. Thank you to spouses who don't see enough of their husbands this time of year.
Like many others of you, we had a huge and productive week of harvesting, putting in long hours. Thanks family. Thanks help. Thanks truckers. Thanks to those who support us with fuel, parts, service, and merchants.
Of course few weeks come without an obstacle once in a while. I can remember at least five tire problems. Is God ok when we ask for help with little problems? I think so. Last evening as I was hooking up a bean platform I heard a crunch. I thought, Oh no. I had forgotten to swing the combine ladder out. On road driving the ladder goes forward. I didn't want my kids and help to lose trust in me. I prayed, "please God, help that bean head drive shaft not to be bent". It was just fine. Is that coincidence or answered prayer?
After loading corn trucks for Monday morning BJ switched a big combine and I jumped in our grandkids combine and cut beans. With a 15 mph night wind that doesn't happen very often the beans cut great and I worked late.
I'm not sure how to wrap up my thoughts this morning. I haven't taken the time to think about it. One thought I heard this week and I agree. How we think about the future effects how we live today. We need to stay optimistic.
A song comes to mind. I hope you listen to it. It describes why we can be optimistic. It's called "The Blessing" by Elevation Worship. It's a blessing and a  promise that God will bless us and keep us.
The chorus wishes God's favor on us and our children for a thousand generations. God wants to favor us, His children, more than we even want it. However He wants us to acknowledge and honor Him. Thank you friends for stopping by. Blessings to you.



Joe Hox said...

Glad harvest went well! God bless!

stillwatersiowa said...

Thanks Joe. Hope things are well for you. Tell your folks hello.