Sunday, August 9, 2020

What's Ahead

 When we're not sure what's ahead we often look for signs to help us navigate. I apologize for the blog format this morning. The Blogger site updated this month and it's been raising havoc.
It's 4:15 am. You're wide awake. Are you thinking about what's happened or what's ahead? The early morning full moon has been exceptionally bright this past week.
We are starting to think about fall harvest. It's time to get the combines, graincarts, and semis ready. We helped haul some corn yesterday for neighbors. Corn dust seems to have similar symptoms to Covid. This morning I'm achy and stuffed up. I did wear a mask in the bin.

As we think about and plan for the fall season we have had some active early morning coffee sessions.
One night this week Ben and Kurt took their boys camping. It's been dry enough they actually camped on a sand bar on the Des Moines River. Karl and Kasey went to check in on them. Thanks for the picture Kurt.
We are due for some moisture. However it's much drier for our friends to the west of us. Thanks for the picture Jason.
In our neck of the woods I think our crop is still good. However as the ears show there is considerable tipback once you get in 40 or 50 rows or so in certain fields.
We are looking ahead, finishing projects, and cleaning shop. Tomorrow we will set up tables and chairs for our annual appreciation supper. That's when we invite families, friends, and folks we do business with to come have a home grown meal on us. You're invited. It's Wednesday evening in our farm shop. We're not sure whether to expect 30 or 300 people. We just know we are going to enjoy each others company.
These are my two sisters, Donna and Beth, and two brothers, Doug and Bill, and a couple of spouses, Donna's husband Roger, and Bill's wife Julie. We got together at Doug and Gingers for supper, and to pray for our parents and possibilities for what's ahead due to their failing health.
My sister Beth has been spending time here and has been helping with our Dad. Since he has very little hearing left we often communicate with pictures as Beth is doing. We also use a white board to write notes. And sometimes we just holler. :)


RV There Yet? said...

Love and blessings; prayers for you all and your parents.

stillwatersiowa said...

Thanks for your caring words