Sunday, July 12, 2020

You Are Here

Back in March our son-in-law Brian shared in a message in Sully about stopping at a rest area as a kid and looking at the big map on the wall with an arrow pointing to one's current location with the heading, "You are here". Where's here at for you today? For Kurt and Emily and many others of you it's raising a young family. Below Kurt was getting ready to go back roofing one evening and his boys all wanted to help. Thanks for the picture Emily.
For others of you, your "here" is having a birthday that ends in a zero. Whenever that happens in one of these gals lives they get together and celebrate as sister-in-laws. I am so blessed to have these gals in our family. Thanks for the picture girls.
 Last weekend the camping group got together at Mike and Sylvia's house to celebrate the July 4th holiday. Even though it doesn't feel like it right now our "here" is still living in the greatest country on earth.
  A few months ago Mike gave away a bow fishing experience to a Vital Men fundraiser. This past week he took a father, son, and son-in-law out on Red Rock for an enjoyable time. Thanks for the picture Mike.
  BJ and Cassia and part of their family headed for Ohio where their oldest son Gideon will be shooting in a national shooting competition with his team.
We celebrated Kasey and Sydnie's marriage last evening at a barn west of Centerville. Your "here" is starting life together as a married couple. Remember, marriage is not a 50/50 deal. It's giving 100% to your spouse. Love and cherish each other. Love God together. And love others by your actions. Congratulations. I'm blessed to be part of your lives.
It was a warm week. So our crew worked on replacing Mike and Suzanne's roof in early mornings and late evenings. Kurt, Karl, and Layton took the lead on this project because of their experience helping Russ roof during their high school summers.
We also spent the warm week haying. 2nd cutting is a good time to get quality small square bales which we were baling and selling to Isaiah and Emily for their horses.
We turn the baler loose to go ahead and drop the bales on the ground. Then we come with a ground driven bale pickup attached to the side of a long hay rack and stack by layers. No matter how you do it small square bale haying is hard work. Especially on a hot day. Back in the day it was how many of us as kids spent our summers. Grandpa Ferguson used to say, "3 days without gloves and you won't need them".
It was a down week for Mike's dozer. It was burning water so Chuck came and installed a new head.
Spraying season is in a break right now. At R3, which is when you see the first soybean pods we will spray 3rd pass beans which includes a fungicide for diseases. An insecticide for pests. And a foilar feeding fertilizer for extra pod development.
Do you remember signs like this right along 2 lane highways? I had to go south through Numa, Iowa this past week and took this picture. When I was a kid the only time we self serviced was at home out of a 300 gallon barrel on a stand. In places like these an attendent came out, filled you with gas, washed your windshield, and checked your oil in you motor and air pressure in you tires. Then charged you 30 cents a gallon for the whole experience. The D in DX stood for Diamond Oil Company. The X stood for the secret lubricant factor in the gas. The station always had a candy counter. And it was often a hangout for kids or coffee drinkers. :)
I received a call from my Dad early one morning that my Mom had fallen. She had surgery to repair a broken bone just above her left artificial knee. She is recuperating in the hospital now and will need skilled care later. It's a bummer not to be able to visit her in the hospital.
"Our here" as Americans is at a crossroads right now. European countries for the most part have returned to normal other than mast transit. Actually we are past the crossroads. How far can we go before we won't have the ability to turn back. Our problem isn't about a virus anymore. We could tackle that together. Statistically, we haven't had anymore deaths in 2020 than we had in previous years.  Our problem is about deceit and hate and wanting power. And there are folks that want "our here" to be an isolated, dependent, and socialist society. I'm praying that we as a culture will turn back to God and that He (as only He can) will heal our land.
Many of you are experiencing 2020 on a more personal level. "Your here" is doing your best to move on after a loss. Some, the loss of fellowship and relationships because of quarantines. Others, the loss of loved ones. My hope and prayer is that we all find a way to let each other know we still care and are thinking about and praying for each other.
As we look back in our rear view mirrors how will 2020 be remembered? How will you be remembered? It probably won't be about "your here" It will be about "your how". Your courage. Your purpose. Your values. Your sharing. Remember, "Where your treasure is. That is where your heart is also". We may have to hang on loosely to stuff here on earth. Thanks for stopping by.

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