Sunday, May 31, 2020

Trending Toward Summer

Good morning. Have you ever noticed how we go through the routine of normal, or in our case, the routine of abnormal this spring? And then one day we look around and realize, Wow, summer is here. Summer is a season of life, growth, and activity.
Because of the fast growing corn crop we will have our hands full for the next month as we spray for weeds a second time. And spread nitrogen while our machines can still get down the rows. The soybean crop will also need it's second pass spraying in about 10 days.
I'm sure many of you have had your hands full keeping the yard mowed in our warm wet weather so far here in Iowa. Friday Ezra came to find me and ask if I would pull Elijah out. His mower had slipped a little too close to the pond.
With a few days of dry weather forecasted, a lot of hay was being mowed yesterday. More and more folks are using tedders these days. Tedding is done after mowing and before raking to spread and fluff the windrows to speed up and shorten the drying process.
With lots of good help we were able to get a large portion of our new machine shed graded, prepared, and concreted.
We've had a fair amount of rain the last 10 days or so. Storms are a mixed blessing. We need them to grow as we trend into summer. However, as in life, storms can be damaging if we don't have strong foundations. My sister Beth's husband caught this picture. Thanks Dan.
Summer is a time for picnics. Sunday we went to Doug and Ginger's for a noon get-together with family and friends.
Last Monday on Memorial Day I put up a new flag. Those of you who fly flags know they get frazzled after awhile in the wind. The one I replaced had sentimental value. A grandmother and friend brought it to us as an act of kindness in memory of their grandson who died in 2016. Thank you Marla!!
 Last week Governor Kim announced summer sports could happen. Mike and Suzanne's Cody is going to be a senior. He has been weight lifting during this whole ordeal and is looking forward to fall football at PCHS. He and his parents have also been having college recruiters visit. Thanks for the picture Mike. Cody is working part time for Al and Ryan fixing and mounting tires. He purchased his first vehicle this past week.
Summertime is also a time for visits and relationships. It's not unusual for folks to come join us for coffee at the farm shop. Thanks for stopping by Thursday Eugene. Also thanks Jim for the donuts and good conversation on Friday. Both of these gentlemen are facing their first summer by themselves after their wives went to heaven late last November.
This past Thursday evening my brothers and sisters came for a visit and supper. Donna and Roger, and Beth and Dan were both visiting Iowa from Colorado.
I was the oldest of six children. We lost our brother Dan at 54 years old in 2013. I am so blessed to have brothers and sisters and their spouses that love me and love each other. We are all at the age (63-50) where we are watching our children enter the summer part of their lives.
Summer growth can be as beautiful as we choose to make it. In the Bible, Romans 12:10 talks about taking delight in honoring each other. Summer growth also happens with a generous heart. Jan has lots of flowers around our yard and often brings them in where we can enjoy them more. One of her favorites are Irises. The name Iris comes from a Greek word meaning rainbow.
We've been through a stormy spell. Yes, now we have riots. Another storm. However I think we are starting to trend to a more productive, more relational summer. And it's time. Summer is here. In Genesis 8:22 the Bible says, "As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease". Noah was 601 years old when he and his family got off the ark after their storm and headed into their summer. That makes 63 look like a spring chicken. Then God put His rainbow in the sky as a promise He will never forget His promises to us. Enjoy your summer. Thanks for the visit. Thanks for the picture Karl.

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