Kids that watch their parents and grandparents live the power of principle are much more prepared for the chores of life than those that grow up observing the principle of power. This concept is not only true in families but in businesses, in the workplace, in churches, and in politics as well. Below Elijah is feeding his calf Daisy while his sister Allison watches.
Last weekend Doug and Ginger hosted a weekend campout on their farm for family and friends. This is the 15th year this group has gotten together. Below is prayer time after church service and before the noon meal last Sunday.
Jan and I and Mark and Stacy's kids joined Brian and Becky's family and the Sully community for their service in the park last Sunday evening.
Summer is sneaking away. It's time for second cutting alfalfa already. Although I don't have pictures it's also time to harvest rye for this coming fall's cover crop. Rye and oat harvest also include baling straw.
Since we have had good weather for baling we got out the old wire tie Hesston baler and baled some of our second cutting in small squares. It was fun to load with Gideon and John and try to get a straight stacked load. Thanks for driving for us Cassia while we loaded.
You've heard it before, I enjoy the job of mowing road ditches and waterways and was able to spend a couple of days helping make things look neater this past week.
Teaching kids the principle of responsibility while they're still young helps build their self confidence in feeling needed while at the same time gets them to start helping and thinking of others. Jackson and Jayden are filling the office fridge with water for the crew.
After helping there are rewards. A thank you. Sometimes some pay. And in this case a trip to the ice cream store for Grandpa and Grandma, Anton, Ezra, and Elijah.
With the earlier planted corn silking, fungicide applications with a helicopter have started. Fungicides prevent many plant diseases and improve plant health.
Cody, Ethan, and their friend Luke came out after work to ride 4-wheelers one evening. Thanks for the picture guys.
Every year in July the Family Leader hosts a summit inviting our countries leadership and businessmen to come and discuss freedoms, values, and principles that it takes to be a successful nation such as we are and how to combat the ever present attempts to take these foundations away that our founding fathers put in place.
One of the guests that I was delighted to meet and visit with was Mike, the inventor and founder of "My Pillow". Earlier this spring I and others promoted the movie "Unplanned" and worked to bring the story of Planned Parenthood to our community. Mike was an executive producer of that movie and funded it with his own money. He also had a part in the movie as the guy running the endloader. He has an amazing story of struggling as a teen, becoming hooked on cocaine as a businessman, financially being bankrupted, and not asking God into his life until 2017. Soon after that he was approched about helping out with the film. Today many of his friends and drug suppliers of just a few years back now have God in their life and work for him. Employees in his pillow business went from 10 to 500 in 6 months and he gives God all the credit. Thanks for the picture Matt.
Well, this week is fair week in southern Iowa and several of our grandkids and nephews and nieces have livestock projects. Below Elijah is washing his bucket bottle calf. Thanks for the picture Stacy.
BJ and Cassia's Gideon did very well on the PCHS shooting team and was invited to compete at Nationals in Ohio with his team. Well, with the rest of BJ and Cassia's family involved at the fair it was hard for them to be two places at once so they asked if we would help out. So yesterday morning Jan, I, and Gideon headed east for Columbus, Ohio. We are camping in a state park next to Alum Lake about 10 miles from the national shooting range. We look forward to sharing some of that story next week.
Remember that less than perfect sweet corn patch we visited about 4 weeks ago? Well it's still less than perfect however because of sunshine and good growing conditions it's going to be productive and serve it's intended purpose. Our lives are also less than perfect. Our businesses are less than perfect. Our country is far from perfect. However if we stick to the principles of being authentic, consistent, honest (from the heart), sincere, real (no mask), generous, hard working, and helpful (others), for just a few examples, we will also be productive and accomplish the purposes we were created for. What's our purpose? Micah 6:8 says we are to "act justly, show mercy, and walk humbly with our God". Thanks for the visit.
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