My friend Monte is a pastor in Mount Pleasant. He says the number one killer in our country is doubt. Doubt steals our purpose. It kills our potential. It destroys our possibilities.
Doubt makes us hesitant. It raises our suspicions. Doubt puts us in a defensive rather than offensive mode. Doubt falsely changes our directions and decisions. Folks say I know "but". Doubt makes us question the truth. Remember the Bible story in the Garden of Eden when the serpent said to Eve, "Did God really say that?"
Friday I was visiting with Mark, a friend whose son hires help for twelve convenience stores in the Des Moines area. He says most job applicants are in the 35-45 years old age group who have lost their vision and passion, and doubt their future. I read an article this week on-line that was in response to a survey. The survey said 58% of adults between 18 and 35 years old said they would be in favor of us being a socialist country and were supporting Bernie. They have either chosen not to work or doubt their future.
Doubt doesn't just happen to others. After one week of wet cool weather and the forecast of another we start questioning our crop potential and our possibilities. Yet how often haven't we thought we were too wet or too dry only to harvest a bountiful crop in the fall.
Emergence is a key factor in a successful crop. Soil temp, moisture, planting conditions, and planting depth determine when a corn plant pokes out of the ground. Thanks for the picture Andy.
We in southern Iowa ought to feel fortunate about our planting progress. Many farmers in our community have the corn in and have started on soybeans.
So what's the remedy for doubt? It's trust. Trust in God. He determines our future. Trust in others. In a farming scenario remember how advanced, hearty, and treated our seed is these days. Trust in self. We have to step out and put a toe in the water before God can show us miracles. Thanks for the picture Emily.
Last Sunday after church Devin showed Jan and I the house he purchased south of Wright. He moved in yesterday. Devin is our nephew who moved from Colorado to Iowa and is working as a truck mechanic.
Kindergarten through 4th grade from Oskaloosa Christian Grade had their track meet on a cool wet morning. Elijah is leading his race.
Karl and Malaki are putting fish in their pond that they purchased yesterday. This picture kind of reminds me of a life story. Do you give your kids a fish or do you teach them to fish?
I didn't get a picture of Kurt trucking however since it was a wet week he jumped in his truck and hauled corn from Monroe to Fairfield for a coop. Since the Mississippi River is so high the commercial grain merchants are having to find a way to get their corn to St. Louis where the river is navigable to go on south to the gulf. This coop is trucking the corn to their rail terminal and then hauling it south by train loads.
I used to not enjoy Tulip Time so much. So many people. But for some strange reason as I'm getting older I enjoy parking our chairs, finding some good food, enjoying the visits, and taking in the parade. Below is the queen courts from both Pella and Orange City. I can't remember who to thank for this picture. Maybe Glenda.
Jan and I are blessed to watch a number of the younger grandkids march in the parade as well as the older ones hanging out in Pella enjoying life with their friends. Kurt and Emily and their family pushed the wooden shoe cart Saturday evening. Below in the back row on the drums is my brother Doug and Ginger's son Luke.
The Bible is full of stories of good folks who doubted. Gideon is one of my favorites. It seems he had good reason to doubt. God had called him to an impossible task. The Midianites were an oppressive enemy to the Israelites destroying crops as soon as they were planted and killing livestock and people. An angel came to Gideon and said, "good day mighty warrior". Gideon replied, "excuse me, but I'm from a weak family in a weak community". God promised to be with him. He still doubted and asked for some signs. Signs from God is another cool story for another week. God took Gideon down to just 300 men with nothing but clay pots and torches. I'd be doubtful in that situation myself. Finally God said, "if your still doubting, go down and listen to what's being said in the enemy camp". So Gideon took his servant at night and listened to the enemy talk about a dream that Gideon was going to be successful. Gideon went back to his guys encouraged and fully trusting God. You know the rest of the story. Gideon and his 300 men with just torches watched as God had thousands of the enemy defeat themselves. What's the point this morning? Take the time to talk to God and then listen. Trust that God has a plan that's bigger than us. Then be brave enough to put a toe in the water and watch God make things happen. Thank you so much for taking the time for this visit. See you next week.
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